Chapter forty-one

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Well here's the surprise Its Lisa's Chapter lol!

Chapter forty-one

Lisa's POV

I had only just managed to get out of the building by the skin of my teeth. It was only due to still having the blueprint of the building up on my phone that I had made it out of there without being caught. I didn't know what the hell to do but like heck I was going to sit back and watch my best friend get hauled off to god knows where. Pregnant or not I was ready to kick ass. Hell I was ready to kill that damn sol of a bitch! I knew Alicia would more than likely be in her all out panic mode by now but I wasn't going to leave her, I just hoped she knew that too.

Sitting in Alicia's car I awaited to see her exiting the building and knowing they wouldn't be taking her out of the front entrance, I had already driven around the back. I was close enough to see clearly but also at a far enough distance so I wouldn't be spotted.

My heart was up in my mouth for Alicia. Yes I was always hard on her but I had to be because on so many occasions she was ready to end her life and I couldn't let her do that. She has suffered with depression since her mother passed and I had been there for her then just as I'm here for her now. I love that girl as a sister and I made a promise to her mum on her death bed that I would never let anyone harm her as long as I live.

Suddenly the doors to the back entrance opened and what I saw had me near on losing it. Two big burley men had Alicia in a locked grip as they threw her into the awaiting van. Starting the car up I slowly followed behind the van making sure I kept a little distance as they did in the movies.

As I drove along I could picture myself doing some high car speed chase but at the slow speed they were doing it was almost driving me crazy. Snapping out of coo coo land I noticed they had turned off the main road onto some side street, seeing this, my heart sunk into my stomach as bile rose up into my mouth. They weren't taking her to the police station as I had thought and this sent me straight into panic mode.

I began battling with myself on whether I should call Thomas and Timmy for back up or not. Whichever way I thought about what their reactions were going to be, I knew I was in a no win situation because they were going to go mad at us one way or another. Seeing the van slightly ahead taking another turning to the right I knew right away where they were heading. With every nerve standing on edge I shuddered at the thought of what they were going to do to her. I didn't have any more time to think as this was serious, so serious that cold chills ran throughout my entire body. Picking up my phone I called Thomas and put him on loud speaker.

As the phone rang anxiousness began to set in deeper and deeper. I knew Thomas was going to kill me but I really didn't have a choice, with me being pregnant I knew I wouldn't be able to take them out on my own. I needed help and as much as that annoyed the hell out of me, I had to do it for Alicia. Tears began blurring my vision at the thought of them taking her deep into the forestry. It's a well know place for gangs and people you'd never want to associate yourself with hang out.

'Shit more bodies have been found there than the entire state!'

My fear for Alicia's safety was growing but the second as all bad thoughts invaded my head I shoved them back down. I was always out to kick some butt but these men where way over my head and that was only pissing me off more!

After what felt like hours Thomas finally answered sounding panicked but I didn't have time to explain everything to him right now.

"Thomas just shut up and listen to me Now! Get Timmy and both of you come down to the forestry Alicia is in trouble." I shouted whilst panting. Thomas tried asking me why but I just hung up on him. The van pulled into the little opening in between the trees and as much as I wanted to follow it, I couldn't as they would have spotted me straight away.

With me being on my own I knew there was nothing I could do to help and as much as I wanted to call the police I couldn't. For starters Alicia would probably kill me but then we would both get done for breaking into the office building. Screaming out in frustration I stopped the car and began hitting the steering wheel. Everything was happening too fast that my head was spinning.

My phone started ringing; I picked it up hoping with all my heart that it was Alicia but as quick as I got excited I became anxious again.

After giving Timmy the run-down of everything that had happened right up until now he was raging. Thankfully not at me though. He told me he was only a few minutes from where I was so I got out of the car and waited on the pavement. I began pacing as every second that ticked by felt like eternity. The thought of what they could be doing to Alicia right now was tearing me apart. She stood no chance against them men and as much as I didn't want to believe it, I knew she didn't,

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse I spotted Sarah driving exactly where the van had driven through only minutes ago. 'Shit' I mentally screamed picking up my phone I dialled Thomas's phone again. I had never felt so helpless and petrified in my entire life. I had always been the strong one, however, right now I felt weak and lost. I didn't know what to do. "Lisa" Timmy's voice bellowed sounding panicked and concerned.

"Timmy Sarah's just driven down there too. Please Timmy she could be dead in there, they could be raping her Timmy please, please help her." tears overflowed as I started to speak my thoughts aloud. "Hey come on Lisa, it's going to be alright we are just turning the corner now, look at us, look we can see you see?" hearing Timmy, I looked up and true to his words, I saw Thomas's car. Relief flushed through me but just as quick it had left fear engulfed me.

Thomas jumped out of the car at the speed of light before he ushered me towards the back seat where he jumped in and sat with me.

Timmy was already in the driver's seat and before I could open my mouth he had put his foot down sending Thomas and I flying back into the seat. Looking up at Thomas I was shocked to see him looking so pale and panicked. "You scared me baby girl are you ok? How's our baby?" he asked just above a whisper. The nervousness he was feeling was clear in his voice. Cupping his face in my hands, "We're fine baby, we're fine." I mumbled out. Gosh I loved this guy, but as much as I wanted to show him how much my mind was more focused on saving Alicia.


I have to say I love Lisa's character shes just so funny but such a bad ass ha ha

I hope you all enjoyed :)

All my love and appreciation Mel xx

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