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In her focused state, she was focused in the pot on the stove as she cooks peacefully.

Once she got home, the first thing she did was take off her hijab and start cooking food for herself and her mother.

Turning off the stove to start serving herself some of the cooking as she sat on the kitchen table and started eating.

As her thoughts started, and the first name that popped out on her mind was Zayn.

She understands him hating her because she's a Muslim, anyone would hate a Muslim typically for no reason.

But why bully her? Why embarrass her? Just why?

But again, she remember's that she's supposed to be thankful because there were some people in a worse situation than the one she is in now.

"Asalam Alaikum" and soon, she heard the voice of her mother. "Wa'aleikom salam Mama, come and eat with me" turning her head to see her mother who was taking her shoes off with a smile.

She always wore a smile.

"How was school, honey?" She walked up the sink to wash her hand before joining her daughter in the table, her daughter who got more plates for her mother.

"Normal" she lied, "i hope nothing was bothering you," her mother asked.

"No Mama, everything was perfect, just home works and other studying things" to make her mother believe she smiled.

"Oh alhamdulillah, I'm glad you're happy with your school"

If she ever knew.

"How was work, Mama?" She asked changing the subject. The smile on her mothers faces changed a bit into a half one which worried Deena.

"It was good"

Behind the word "it was good" was something hidden away from Deena and she felt it but didn't want to dig in the hole.

"Why did you cook a lot of food?" She suddenly asked. "I don't know, I just cooked" Deena cracked a small smile with her mother.


It was still early for her to walk into class, so she thought about walking around the school for a reason.

She took her time to roam around the school peacefully. She was the type who would rather stay silent than talk.

Walking around when finally she stopped in front of her class and thought of just ignoring the whole roaming thing and just stay on her seat.

A couple of classmates were chatting in the class, she didn't mind them at all but that didn't stop them from sending dirty looks and one of them was Zayn.

Sitting on her seat to rest her head on the table, closing her eyes.

But suddenly the feeling of someone's hand on her hijab was felt as she opened her eyes to turn to the person.

"What are you doing," she asked.

"What do you Muslim's hide under that scarf?" He asked with a grin on his face.

She didn't want to reply to his sarcasm but instead, she ignored and faced the opposite side.

"Is there gold in there? Why do you hide from us?" But when he pulled a part of the hijab she stood up with wide eyes.

"Zayn, stop" her only one fear is to take her hijab off because her mother warned her long time ago that it was bad, so bad to take your hijab off in front of a non Muhrem person.

It was the Haram.

(in-muhrem which is other people than your brother, father, husband)

"Explain the purpose of wearing that thing" crossing his arms in front of him with a cocky smile, behind him a group of boys which were his group.

"I'm not here to explain myself to you" sitting back on her seat in irritation. "Why not?"

"Google it" with that, the teacher walked in and soon the school bell ranged as students gathered in their classrooms.

"Class all settled. Attendance"

Before her name was even called, a small amount of laughter was gathered already.

How much more when her name will be called.

"Deena Manho-Mahmood"

And more laughter was heard.


She wasn't going to stand on the line like how it happened yesterday and the day before, the last two weeks was the same.

So instead, she sat on the stairs eating someone chocolates while doing undone work.

She was so into her world, she had no friends because they all rejected her when she first came, and she wasn't complaining at all, it was for the best.

The school might not hate her that much but they just hate her presence in school but she knew right that Zayn and his friends hated her.

"What are you writing" and before she knew, her book was shoved away from her in another one's hand which was no other than Zayn.

Speaking of iiblis (devil).

"Give it back" she was dead serious, glaring at him while he was examining her notebook.

"Bullshit." Rolling his honey eyes at the notebook as if he was forced to read it.

"Zayn, can I have my notebook?" She asked frustratedly. His smile grew wider before saying,

"Then come and get it" he smirked.

No matter how right she was about not going there and taking the book but she ended up doing so with an "Astaghfirullah".

She was lucky he didn't hear her or else he would start questioning her about it.

Moving closer to reach the notebook, which he raised it higher purposely making her stop.

"I thought you wanted it" he smirked before leaning closer. "Just give it back you haram person" she growled making him chuckle.

"I like it when you speak, do it more" licking his lips with a cocky smile on them.

Instead, she did the complete opposite while still trying to reach the book.

But it was harder than she thought. He was leaning back the more she reached for it.

"Zayn, give it back!" When her voice came out higher it startled him at how angry she was, which left him looking at her and she got the chance to snatch the notebook away from him.

"Don't do that again, I'm not in your level" with that, she took her stuff along with her and rolled her heterochromia orbs before leaving him with a shocked expression.

Watching her figure turn and disappear before the edge of his lips curled.

Not on her level?

It surprised him but he liked it.

"The bitchest Muslim I've ever seen"


Moon: bitchest? Woow.

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