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They just left Emaan's father car as he dropped them to school and left. They walked and had their normal conversation as they walked in the school straight to their classroom.

The school wasn't filled with students yet, but it had countable group of students already in their class rooms, in the hallway or some at the gates.

"You haven't prayed Fajir?!" Deena in shocked mood asked her Emaan. "Yes I haven't! I know I'm so bad!" She fakr cried making Deena his her arm a but too harsh. "That's so bad and you do bad right now. Why didn't you pray?" Deena was the type of girl who would try her best to pray all of the five prayer everyday and never miss one out.

These five prayers; Faji, Thuhur, Asir, Maghrib, and Ishaa are the most important prayers, nothing can held you and lead you to the right path if you didn't pray first. To Deena, praying is like that small talk you have with Allah, where you pray and he listens to you and is actually there with you, it felt so much satisfying when she thunk of how close she gets to him whenever she prays.

"I over slept, my phone was dead and my mom is on her days so she didn't wake me up, baba probably didn't pray too." And she started chuckling. Deena loved how Emaan chuckles, It was sweet and too cute.

"Astaghfiruallah..." And she hsakes her head.


"Remember, don't cheat or look up from your paper or I'll have you out of the class. Now start." As doo as he finished, we flipped out papers and started on out exams.

I'm glad I had the time to study last night, and surprisingly the exam wasn't that hard as I thought it would be. So I proceeded to finish my paper and hand it over. Just as I was busy doing that, the door was knocked and there walks in Zayn with his clutches.

"Mr. Wilson, please take your seat." He nodded to the teacher his eyes feel to mine. A slight smile was seen one his face when I meet his eyes. It felt awkward and all, but the smile really suits him more than the smirk or a frown and so, I smiled back.

"Clutches dude, wassup?" A voice was heard and some giggles too before the teacher stopped them by threatening them on taking them out to the principal and Zayn had ready reached his seat.

Three days ago he apologized to me and I accepted the apology. I had to, because when he told me about Max not waking it with me I felt at ease knowing that he liked me for real then all I do for him is pray because Allah decided it was to take him and he knows better and I can never question his decisions.

Just the way I didn't question about my dads death, it might be the same reason Allah took them from me, I just don't but he do.

When Zayn told me his friends hate him now, it was true. He had told them about Max too, and they stromed on him too, they hate him because of what he did so they made distance between them and him but Don seemed to be there for him but he still held something in his heart. The other day he and Tyron came and apologized to me, it was awkward for me but I was glad they noticed their mistake.

They told them that they already got what they deserve from Allah because losing a close friend isn't and will never be easy and I told them the next time they do something like this they'd get something bigger and they seemed to agree with me and promise me they will never do it. I don't get why was I being was a concern by them so sudden, it's as if they all got their lesson when they were away.

Roxy and Vanessa on the other hand have been ignoring me a lot, they changed so much, they became depressed or something like that. They started getting bullied so bad from their new appearance, dark clothes that have been worn more than a week maybe and their hair is much a mess... They just turned from the hottest chicks in the school to the biggest joke on the school. I feel bad, because they turned into this after Max's death.

Axel was the only one we haven't seen even on this exams week, all of them came expect him and I don't wanna ask about that.

I know this is all from Allah, some of them are changing into a the better and some not, I just hope they all change into the better forever and never do things like this.


Washing my hand and fixing my hijab on the mirror of the bathroom before I exit it to go back to my locker and go back home. Emaan left before me, as soon as she finished her papers, she handed them and left with the excuse of having an appointment with a docter.

I left my books in the locker and took the book I needed to study for tomorrow before I close my locker and head out but was stopped when I heard my name being called.

"Deena," it was Zayn who took me by surprise. "Uh... Hey," he started when I furrowed my brows at him. "Hi," I thought he said he'd stay away from me.

"Are you heading home?" He asked and nodded holding on my book tighter. "I don't know what to say.. Ugh... Can I walk with you?" His words finally left his lips and I blinked.

His long lashes blinked back at me before moisturizing his lips with his own salaiva nervously, obviously from what he just asked. When I didn't say anything in reply and just kept staring at him he start again.

"Because I'm going to my uncles house... And... And Its the same way your house.. So I thought we could-i mean-" he stopped and just sighed nervously and frustratedly. Since when is he so nervous with me? It's kinda cute how he's struggling to tell me he want to walk with me.

"Can I just walk you home? I totally understand if you didn't agree, I'm not forcing you."





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