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"What is your problem, Zayn? What is your fücking problem with Muslims?!" Anger was heard clear in her tone. She was mad to the point where she would explode any moment.

"Have you seen me going around insulting Christians or Catholic students around here like how your insulting me! Do you think it's funny?! Do you think I'm jumping out if joy when you bully me?!" Her eyes red hot, hands shaking sweaty while her heart burned like fire.

"No I don't if you were wondering. Why are you acting like this? You happen to act this way only around these people!" His jaw clenched while she angrily spat words. She wanted to say whatever crosses her mind right now, swearing or even throwing insults, she didn't care much at the moment.

"You think it's funny to insult me and my religion? You think it feels nice to get bullied? Or maybe you think it's not that much of a big deal to insult others or maybe let me put that right, to insult Muslims." Her words we're sharp just like a knewly sharpened pencil.

It was as if the tables have turned. He was speechless while she had a long speech to say.

"I get that you don't like me or you don't like me because I'm a Muslim but you don't go around insulting other people of my religion because some of them might not handle what your throwing at them just like how you throw shades! hate! Insults! And other unbearable pranks you and your friends thinks it's funny but it's not,"

His Adams apple jumping up and down as if swallowing his guilt or maybe he didn't even feel the guilt yet.

"Im not say saying that Muslims because their my people that would be selfish of me which I'm not! Simply because I'm not Zayn-Fücking Wilson, I'm also saying this for your people too but these people around you are fake!" The way she spat 'Fake' could create an earth quick and some of the students felt it.

"Their all faking how they like you and think your cool but the truth is it's only for themselves! They only agree with whatever you think is good because they don't wanna be an outsider, like me. They hide under masks to make others think their cool and whatever when their only lying to themselves more than anybody around them."

As if her words actually created an earth quick, some of them stumbled back. They all looked guilty because they all knew how right she is.

"And you. Your the biggest lie over here, the biggest joke covered under these students just to prove himself strong while he hides under cover when the monster comes." No body ever even knew she had this much if a loud volume on her once low voice.

"Yes, I am the monster here; you've called me a monster before, you've called me a terrorist, you called me ugly, stupid, a bìtch yet your scared right now." With every word with every step, Deena felt stronger while regretting not yelling like this on the very first day.

"Why are you so silent? Why can't I see your lips running like it always dose? Don't tell me you feel ashemed right now, shame can never be on a fúcking jërkãss list because it's who they are. That's how you are and I've accepted it once but I won't twice." The Muslim girl just shot at the bully guy right now. His clenching jaw and dark eyes that never lifted up from the ground just left clear.

"I'm actually surprised you sealed your lips like that, it's not normal of you but I don't have to worry about it, don't I? Because you'll go back to bulling me the next day because that's all you could do. Pull out childish pranks on me and laugh it out then that's it."

If her glares could kill then he was already dying by now.

If her hands could reach for him then he was already choking.

If words were bullets then she'd shoot words to evey human being in this cafeteria.

And if her body could explode then she could have been on the book of history on the biggest female terrorist.

"All I'm trying to say is that your nothing special or anything new." Letting out a deep sigh that she didn't realize she was holding before saying one more thing.

"Just don't ever come around me with the intention of bulling me ever again, because I'm done with your bullshït."

If there was a mic in her hand then she would like to drop it and call 'Mic drop' but instead she threw the falling part if her hijab back and walked off without staring back.

Confidence was lacing on her, strong feelings as if she was never stronger than this moment as she walked out and left the cafeteria dead silent.

She wasn't going home after this to start crying like how she used to do. She'd stay right here in school until classes are over to prove how she was serious about what she said.

When Allah gave the strongest women's in Islam their hard times, they would stay strong and fight whatever it was and still pray for him and worship him like no other,

And Deena was going to do the exact same thing.

Which is never forget that Allah is beside her, always.



What's do you think of the new Deena? The strong her? Did you even expect she'd do that?

And here's another update for me being sorry.

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