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A • M O N T H • L A T E R

Fear; is when you are scared or afraid of something/someone. A lot of people have fear, everyone in this world has his own fears, I, myself have fears and right now, I had the fear of facing them.

A whole month has passed, it felt so hard to realize how did it pass just like that. But since then, I had gone back to school, got closer with Emaan and Susan gave birth to a baby girl, Emma Wilson.

She held a small gathering at her house and clearly, I and mom went. Zayn or his mother wasn't there but I saw his father, for a reason, I drew myself away from him as much as I could.

All six of them; Zayn, Tyron, Axel, Don, Vanessa, and Roxy we're given excuses to not attend school until there were fully healed. Mama allowed me to take a week too, not because I was wounded but I needed time to think of what happened and realize that Max isn't actually there, so my heart actually needs time to repair.

Emaan on the other side has been really close to me. She comforts me and supports me that I actually think we are best friend's already. She's so humble and lovable, a supportive and caring friend that hasn't left me on my difficult times and I'll never forget that favor from her.

And today I'm going to see him, I'll go and speak to him, face him and face my fears. My fears weren't specifically seeing them but it was remembering all that has happened that night.

It was hard to see their faces again and start remembering all of it once again when I have forgotten about it but I had to go and talk to them.

I wanted to thank him and congratulate them on what their achievement has led them to,

Especially him.


For the million times now, he worked on shutting his eyes and getting actual sleep for himself but it wasn't smooth at all.

Every time he'd try and close his eyes Max jumps out on his head, or more worst, Deena rises out.

An image of a week, fragile girl in a deep room, suffocated in a crying mess, half-naked with a broken heart was what he dreams of every night. Her crying was so loud which caused him a headache every time he wakes up, it prickles thro his ears as if someone was shoving a needle in his eardrums.

Every time he touches the girl in his dreams, she seems to cry louder than ever and there he gets a strong hit that wakes him up fully.

This dream has been following him for forever. He wanted it to end, he wants to sleep for once and not have to see that girl again. He knew the fragile girl, what he did to her was almost like a rape case.

He didn't know what to do when he sees her, or what to say, he just didn't want to face her bet he knew nothing better than his ego would fall down from his face to the ground.

The confusing point is how he founds he standing in front of him when he was focused on his surroundings, she stood a few steps away from his bed and he couldn't believe it.

"Deena..." Her name came out more like a whisper from his dry lips while he examined her. He always does, whenever he sees her, he'd always fall for the trap and freeze like ice just to admire her features.

"Hi," she gulped when she noticed his face stuck on her like that. Under his eyes, she felt like she was exposed again, she was seen uncovered by this guy with an almost healed leg to her point of view.

Soon, his gaze dropped from her when he realized what he did and how hurt she could be but yet she was standing here.

"How are you?" Her movement surprised him when she grabbed a chair and sat on the same spot she stood earlier before landing his eyes on his leg. His throat felt dry and his palms were sweaty, he wasn't used to bringing nervous around people.

"I-its healing i guess..." If it wasn't because the room was so quiet then she could have never heard him as he whispered. At this moment, she wanted to start crying again but she didn't.

"I hope your happy, Zayn." And she fi ally speaks after the uncomfortable silence that feels for a minute making it feel like hours. "What?".

"I hope you're happy of what you achieved. I mean, it is something great to have your revenge on me and I admit, I lost." She smiled, but that smile wasn't real, it was one of those she had to put in order to stop her tears.

"I bet you wanted this to happen like- you wanted me ruined, broken and.. Uncover and it happened, you won" she nodded still smiling. Little did she know that smile only had Zayn in more pain because he knew it's fake and was only for display.

"But I'm not the only one who lost, you did too. You lost your leg, and lost your friend, at least I didn't lose a lot but the first guy I actually liked." His gaze dropped to the ground immediately. Just like his thought earlier.

"Of no wait, I definitely lost a lot more than the guy who promised to marry me," but his eyes snapped back up on his wide as ever at the word Marry. He couldn't believe he promised to marry her.

"I lost him and I lost my mind the moment I saw him driving that SUV... I lost my honor and my respect when you had me uncovered.." He couldn't Lift his eyes just one step. It was obvious how he got her in a messed up situation.

He did wrong and he admits it.

"I-i didn't send the videos... I'm not going to-"

"Great! How nice is it to hear you say you don't share my naked self around the internet, how great is this!" She started laughing. As in started smiling bright but it was fake and only a broken smile.

"So it's all settled. I'll pretend you never saw me naked or recorded me and Max didn't die or use me to get me to you or how you threatened me. Life is easy anyways, right Zayn?"

"I'm never going to see him again because of you, not like I would like to see the guy who helped on ruining me. I just want to let you know I still feel uncovered and dirty, I still feel like someone is watching me right now. No matter how hard I'll try to wrap this hijab, wear my clothes I still felt uncovered and it's all because of you." This time, she stood up and claps really hard with tears and angry in her eyes as the smile dropped.

"Congratulations, Wilson. I hope you swim in the ocean of pride with your ego, I hope you drown in it too."

And again, she left, she left with her last words. It always has to be her last words that would hurt him.

She left shutting the door harshly behind her as if punching harshly on his heart.

Exactly, he can feel the pain grow more and more, his heart feels so in a place where he couldn't breathe, heavy and just uncomfortable he felt.

This pain was much more than what he felt a month ago. She had come to give him the words he deserves and leave him drowning.

Not even his tears were helping this time.



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