Part 7~

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I groaned loudly as my mom dragged Taehyung in and sat him down on the couch. She smiled at him brightly as my sister stood behind her, checking him out. I crossed my arms and cleared my throat, reminding them I was here.

"Taehyung is really busy and he cant stay right now. Isn't that right?" I said through my teeth, staring at him. A large smile spread across his face and I immediately knew what he was going to do. I gave him a 'don't you dare' look. He winked at me before shaking his head.

"No, no. It can wait" He smiled at my mom before glancing at me. I clenched my fists as I glared at him and he pouted for a second.

"Oh my goooood" I groaned out loud as I rolled my eyes. My mom looked at me with a light frown and tilted her head.

"What is it sweetie?" She asked sweetly as she let go of Taehyung's hands and walked over to me. "Is something the matter with your boyfriend staying?" I nod quickly and glare at him.

"The thing he had to go to was really important. Like he cant afford to miss it" I said  sternly through my teeth as he smiled proudly at me. I'm going to kill him when I next see him. My mom frowned and nodded slowly. 

"Alright dear. Well you best be on you way" She smiled at him as she opened the door. He couldn't refuse now. I smiled proudly as I knew I had won. He pouted slightly and got up, walking passed me. He then stopped in the doorway and kissed me suddenly. 

"See you tomorrow, toots" He smirked before he left quickly. I was blushing deeply and I had frozen in place. I couldn't believe that he still had the last laugh. I growled slightly when I snapped back and saw my mom smiling happily at me and my sister glaring at me. She quickly flashed her middle finger up at me before running to her room and slamming her door.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" My mom suddenly said as she sat down on the couch. I bit my lip and sat by her side, thinking of what to say.

"Well um- you've been so busy I guess I didn't have time" I said slowly. I was cursing Taehyung in my mind as I rubbed my temples. I had the worst headache after everything that had happened today and it all had something to do with him. Me and mom spoke about him for a while before I went up to bed.

I laid down in bed and closed my eyes, trying to sleep but there was too much on my mind. I remembered the men who tried to attack me and Taehyung saving me. I remembered him yelling at me to eat. I remembered him kissing me. I put my head in my hands as I thought about his deep, slightly growling voice. I blushed and rolled over just as my phone lit up.

Speak of the devil. I opened the message and bit my lip slightly as I read the message. I stood up and quietly opened my door, checking where my mom and sister were. As usual, my sister had loud music on and my mom had the tv on. I got up and put on a pair of skin-tight leggings, a ripped white shirt and Taehyung's jacket.

Without making a sound, I opened my window and climbed out onto the pavement. Lucky for me, we lived on the bottom floor of the apartments. I ran towards the park, running Tae's text through my head. 

Come see me and the boys at the park, please x

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