Part 29~

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Taehyung P.O.V

My eyes widened when he said that they didn't match. How could they not match? No one else stabbed her! Wait, I chucked the knife of the street. Anyone could have grabbed it.

"The fingerprints do not match, therefore you are not guilty. Case dismissed" The judge brought his hammer down on the desk as people began to chatter. I looked around quickly, confused to what was going on. "Order! ORDER!" The judge yelled over everyone. Soon every body shut up and looked towards the flustered judge. "Take him to collect his items and let him go" He commanded one of the cops.

The cop grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. He unlocked my handcuffs and handed me my things. I took them to the changing rooms around the corner and smiled softly. It felt good to get out of those shitty prison clothes but my clothes were a little small now. I had been working out like hell in prison so my muscles were bigger now. I stretched slightly and felt my shirt rip up the back.

I sighed irritated and put on my leather jacket. Luckily that still fit. The cop took me out of the courthouse and gave me a ride home in the car. I stepped out and watched the car drive away before taking a deep breath. I knew that they'd probably all seen the trial so they know what's happened. I walked up to the door and just as I was about to open it, it flung open and a smaller, ill looking Seo-yun leaped out at me.

Seo-yun P.O.V

"Taehung your back!" I screamed as I jumped at him. I had seen him coming towards the house and I couldn't wait to hold him again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged my back. His hug was tighter then usual which made me smile. He set me down and I looked up at him. He seemed taller and more muscular. It was intimidating but also super attractive.

"Did you see the trial?" Tae asked me as he looked past me and saw the boys appear in the room. Yoongi was looking healthy again and I felt glad about that. Tae did save him but I'd been helping him get better. The boys all nodded and so did I. I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside, pushing him on the sofa. The boys all said hi to him before disappearing again.

I sat on Tae's lap and waited until the boys had gone before I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. Tae kisses back a little before pulling away and looking at me concerned. He ran his finger along my jawbone and looked into my eyes.

"Why are you so skinny? You look like death" Tae said softly, his voice almost a whimper. I shook my head a little and smiled at him.

"I'm fine. It's just because you've been around old fat guys in prison" I chuckled slightly. Tae wasn't laughing. My smile faded and I looked away as his hands dropped to his sides.

"You haven't been eating, have you?" He asked slowly. I sighed and got off his lap, sitting away from him. I shook my head slowly and I saw him clench his fists. "Why?" He asked angrily. I brought my knees up to my chest and made myself as small as I could because that's how I felt.

"I couldn't. It was hard" I whispered quietly. Taehung let out a deep breath and I saw the anger slowly leave him. He glanced at me and i saw his eyes full with tears as he saw me afraid of him.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. Come here please" He said softly, his voice breaking a little. I reluctantly shuffled up to him and he pulled me into a hug. He sighed and gently stroked my hair. "I'm sorry" He whispered again. I looked up at him and saw him crying.

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