Part 30~

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I wiped away Taehyung's tears and he sniffled softly. He studied me up and down and sighed deeply, looking away. I took his face in my hands gently and turned his head towards me. It hurt me when he looked away like that.

"Why do you stay with me when you are scared of me?" Tae suddenly asked. I frowned at him and chuckled a little.

"I love you. Don't be silly Tae" I replied softly. He frowned and pulled my hands away from his face. He looked sort of angry at me for saying that. I bit my lip and moved away from him a little.

"Can you leave me alone for a bit?" Tae said slowly. He wasn't looking at me now and he hand his hands locked in each other. I sighed and nodded slowly before leaving him on his own. I wandered to my room silently when I was suddenly pulled into someone else's room.

I looked up into Jimin's eyes and sighed, pulling my arm away quickly. "Not now" I mumbled as I went to open his door. Jimin put his hand on the door and used all his strength to keep it shut. "Jimin please"

"Did he hurt you again?" Jimin asked seriously. He looked me up  and down and went to stroke my face. I flinched slightly and I saw anger fill him. "He did, didn't he?"

"No. He hasn't hurt me. He's just upset" I said quickly. Jimin sighed and turned away from me, sitting on his bed.

"Why do you stay with him when he does this to you? Why not be with me? I'd never do that to you" Jimin said quickly. He looked at me angrily and tilted his head.

I sighed and left the room quickly, not answering him. As soon as I reached my room, I closed the door and broke down.

"Seo-yun! What's wrong?" Hoseok asked quickly from my bed, or rather his bed. I'd misjudged the rooms and ended up in his.

Taehung P.O.V

I stared at the tv blankly and thought about her. I'd hurt her so much. Why doesn't she go with one of the other boys? Jungkook would treat her right. Yoongi would probably treat her better. I put my head in my hands with a deep sigh. I couldn't stay in the house.

I left silently and headed towards the park with my hands in my pockets. My breath left small clouds in the cold, night air as I sighed to myself. As I was passing an alley, someone grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. Before I had time to react a fist connected with my face and I knee hit my stomach. I fell to the floor with a deep groan and looked up at my attacker.

I didn't recognise them at all but they clearly recognised me. I slowly stood up and put a finger to my busted lip, seeing the blood.

"Kim Taehyung. I've heard a lot about you" The man said as he hit me again. I fell against the wall and groaned again. He smirked at me and rubbed his chin. I launched myself forward at him and hit his face with my elbow. I stumbled back from him and he slowly stood up. "Your a killer. You'd be perfect for us"

"I'm not going anywhere" I replied angrily. The man massaged his jaw and put his hand under his bleeding nose. He sniffled slightly and reached into his pocket, pulling out a card with just a number.

"You don't even know what I'm suggesting yet"
"You just attacked me so why would I come anywhere with you"
"I was told that would be the best approach"
"Well it wasn't"

The man rolled his eyes and chucked the card at me. I caught it quickly and glanced at the number. I raised my eyebrow at him and he crossed his arms.

"We are an agency. Hitmen you could say" He said sternly. I slipped the card into my pocket and nodded slowly. "I've heard about your skills. We want you. It's good pay, trust me"

"I don't need money. I just need my friends to be safe" I replied quickly. The man glanced towards the street as a large, black car stopped before us.

"They will be safe. We have a special place they can all live. Come with me, we can talk more on the way to meet the boss" The man began to walk towards the car and I followed him.

If everyone was going to be safe, how much trouble could this job be?

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