Part 16~

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Taehyung P.O.V

I couldn't take being sat in that damn cell any longer. I was just getting more furious by the second. I sat with my head in my hands for hours, trying to think of a way out when my opportunity came. A policeman collected me to go get some food.

As we rounded a corner where no one could see, I head butted him hard which knocked him out. I then reached down and got the keys for my cuffs and unlocked them before running out of that station, grabbing some money from the lost and found safe on the way.

I ran to the nearest shop and bought some hair dye then ran home quickly, dying my hair a dark brown. I left my house after leaving a note for the cops. I knew that they'd come here first so I left them a present.

I'm not here, fuckers. Better luck next time.


I decided that while I was on the run, I might as well finish some business well due. I found my way to my 'best friends' house and knocked on the door, hiding a knife up my sleeve. As he opened the door, I leapt in and began to stab him multiple times. His girlfriend fell the the floor, cowering and crying hysterically. I kept stabbing until I heard the sirens get close again so I left him on the floor with his girlfriend, crying over his dead body.

I then ran to the park quickly, avoiding the sirens wherever they went. They seemed to be following me however. I made it to downtown before they finally caught me. The cars stopped before me, lights flashing and sirens blaring. It made me feel exited.

As I stood against a garage door, I saw Seo-yun slowly climb out the car. My face dropped its proud smile and I clenched my blood covered fists.

"Taehyung... please just stop" She called to me over the sirens as she slowly walked towards me. "I know you and this isn't you. I know you haven't hurt anyone and that blood must be your own"

I looked down quickly and saw a large stain on my shirt too with a large slit in it. I moved my shirt slightly and realised a cut along my side. It wasn't too deep so that's why I hadn't noticed it. That means I could get away with the blood unless they tested it.

Seo-yun stopped a few feet away from me and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She slowly held out a hand to me and I took it. Suddenly, a cop grabbed my arm, twisting it around and slammed me against the locker.

"Kim Taehyung we are taking you under arrest for assaulting an officer and breaking out of your cell. Do not make any attempt to escape or attack another member of the force or we will have to take you through court" The policeman said quickly in my ear. I groaned as he yanked me back and threw me into the back of the car.

Seo-yun betrayed me. That bitch. She just helped these bastards to arrest me again. I glared at her as the car drove away and she broke down into tears. I leant my head on the cage of the back of the car and let out a shaky breath.

Im so fucked. My parents are going to kill me.

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