Part 14~

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Taehyung P.O.V

I watched Seo-yun leave the room silently and put my head in my hands on the table. The policeman let in the the investigator who sat in front of me with his hands clasped together on the table.

"Mr Kim. This isn't your first time being arrested, is it?" He asked slowly. I shook my head as I breathed out deeply. I had to keep calm now more then ever otherwise I would certainly end up in prison. "You have to speak, it is recorded" The investigator said clearly. I took my hands from my face and sat up straight.

"No, it isn't the first time" I replied slowly. The investigator wrote it down and scanned through his already written notes. He put a hand over his mouth as his eyebrows raised.

"So I have been told you've recently been let off you trial for an accusation of murder. Is this correct?" He asked slowly as he put the pen down on the desk and closed the notepad. He pushed it to the corner of the table and clasped his hands again.

"Yes, that's right. They said I was not guilty" I said calmly, biting my lip a little. I glanced towards the two way mirror and stared at myself. The amount of hatred I felt as I looked at myself was unreal. I looked back to the investigator who was studying me closely.

"And were you guilty?" He asked as he rubbed his chin.

"No, I'm not guilty. I was framed" I said quietly as I felt angrier. I clenched my fists and breathed out again.

Breathe Taehyung. Keep calm. Breathe.

"How do you know you were framed?" The investigator asked as he leant back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"Why would I kill my own sister?" I asked venomously. He raised an eyebrow again and leant forward, close to me.

"Anger? Jealousy maybe? The disorder you have. What is it? Explosive behaviour disorder?" He smirked as he could see me getting angry. I sat back and breathed out slowly.

"My disorder has nothing to do with it. I was in the wrong time and the wrong place" I said slowly through my teeth. The investigator nodded slowly and stood up.

"We will have to put you in custody overnight. Just to... protect that girl" He said slowly before leaving me alone. I put my head in my hands and let out a low growl.

I heard my sister scream and ran down the stairs, seeing my best friend run out of the house. He dropped the knife as he ran and I picked it up, going to run after him. Anger boiled up in me and I couldn't control it.

"Taehyung..." I heard her groan softly. I turned around and ran to her side. I tried to stop the bleeding but ended up getting covered in blood. I heard sirens in the distance and panicked as I put the knife down quickly.

Suddenly, I heard a shout on the street and looked out the open front door to see my best friend, waving the cops over.

"He's here! He's killed this girl! Help!" He was yelling. The cars skidded to a halt and I looked back down at my sister who was now dead. Tears were streaming down my face as I stood back, covered in blood.

Before I knew what was going on, the police tackled me to the ground and pinned my arms behind me.

"Anything you say can and will be held against you in court" The policeman was shouting at me as he cuffed me and threw me in the car. I looked at the police who were bagging my sisters dead body when my eyes wandered to my friend.

He was laughing silently with a finger held to his mouth. I couldn't tell on him, I knew I couldn't. No one would believe me anyway.

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