Part 40~

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Taehyung dropped the donut and coughed continuously, bending down. I jumped up from where I was sat and patted his back hard as if I was winding a baby. Yoongi came over with a glass of water and handed it to him to help him stop coughing. Taehyung grabbed the glass and chugged half of it, the other half running down his front. I had to admit, the water running down him and making his loose white shirt see-through was hot. I smiled slightly and picked the donut off the floor while he wiped his mouth and let out a deep breath.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" He yelled confused. I laughed a little at him being so bewildered by us. I could tell he wasn't mad, he was just shocked. I guess he left the room to grab something to eat and we just kind of appeared.

"We were told we could come and see you for an hour or so before you went back to work" Yoongi mumbled softly as he grabbed a crystallised bottle full of alcohol and poured himself a small glass. I rolled my eyes and sighed softly. Taehyung frowned at him before pulling me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged him back. I only then realised how much I missed his warmth and his smell. I thought about having to leave again and began to cry softly. 

When Tae pulled away, his face turned from happiness to worry. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears slowly. "What's wrong Seo-yun?" He asked my quickly. I shook my head and smiled at hi with a soft sniffle.

"I'm okay, I'm just going to miss you" I heard Yoongi scoff behind me and take another sip of his drink. Tae looked over in his direction with an irritated glare. I turned around quickly and crossed my arms. "If you are just being grumpy, why did you come?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"I had to say sorry to Taehyung before he picked up martial arts or something while working" Yoongi said amused. I heard Tae chuckle behind me and I raised an eyebrow at Yoongi who smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as he downed the last bit of his drink and put the glass on the table. Taehyung took my hand and lead me over to the couch where I sat between the two boys.

"So what's been going on since I've been gone" Tae asked as he ruffled his hair slightly. I shook my head and Yoongi shrugged a little. "Must be boring then" He sighed softly.

"Yeah pretty  much" Yoongi muttered back. Tae sighed again and put an arm around me, pulling me closer. "So what exactly have you been doing then?" Yoongi asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. I glanced up at Tae who was glaring at him as if he was hiding something. He looked down at me and his face changed instantly when he realised I was looking at him. I sat up and shuffled away from him with my brows furrowed.

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked him as I looked him up and down. Taehyung tightened his jaw and looked past me at Yoongi who had now put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not hiding anything" Taehyung mumbled at me as he stood up and grabbed Yoongi's glass. He walked over to the alcohol and poured himself a drink, leaning on the wall. I crossed my arms angrily and stood up too. I wasn't about to cower from him. I didn't care if he would hurt me, he was hiding something.

"You clearly are" I spat at him. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at me and took a long sip of his drink. Yoongi stood up and put a hand on my arm to keep me from doing anything but I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"There is nothing going on but this shitty office job!" Taehyung yelled at me. I let out a short, anger filled laugh and shook my head. "Oh, what. You think i'm cheating or something like you did with him? Like you are one to speak!" He added. That hit me right in the chest. I balled up my hands and looked away from him.

"You know what Kim Taehyung? FUCK YOU! That's what!" I screamed at him before storming away and calling the elevator. It arrived instantly and the doors slowly slid open. I looked up to a gun pointed straight at me.

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