Part 33~

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Seo-yun P.O.V

I smiled softly as I massaged the red dye into Taehyung's hair. I glanced over at Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin who were watching Spongebob. I rolled my eyes and focused on not getting the dye all over me or Tae. I felt like a mother or something. Kids sat watching TV, helping my husband to dye his hair. It felt strange but it made me happy.

Once I had finished dying his hair, Tae went for a shower and I took the remote from the boys who whined loudly when I turned the news on. They sulked and eventually left me to watch TV alone. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi were out shopping at the moment so we could actually eat something other then takeout. I crossed my legs and turned up the tv when a story about a major car crash came on. It involved five cars full of people and a lorry.

They showed the ruins of the cars and explained it had happened late last night. The pictures of the casualties appeared on the screen and my heart shattered. My mom and my sister were among them. I couldn't cry. I only stared at the tv. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. I sat there, completely alone and broken.

Slowly, I turned off the tv and laid down on the sofa, bursting out into tears. I heard a door open from behind me and someone ran over to the sofa. My eyes were so full of tears that I couldn't see, but I could tell who it was from the outline of their body. Yoongi knelt before me and put a hand on my cheek softly. I could hear him family calling out my name but I didn't respond. Two more figures appeared and I guessed it was Jin and Namjoon.

I heard someone shout for Taehyung before I was picked up. I looked slowly to who it was and my eyes finally cleared. Yoongi was looking down at me, really concerned. My tears hadn't stopped but they slowed down as Yoongi sat down with me on his lap and hugged me tight. I buried my face in his neck and slowly stopped crying. I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Tae with his now red hair.

"What happened?" He asked Yoongi quickly. Yoongi shrugged and brushed my hair away from my face. "Seo-yun what happened?" Tae asked me. I slowly slid off Yoongi's lap and into Tae's arms, breathing slowly.

"The news. I d-don't know if it will b-be there still" I stuttered as Tae kissed me on the head and hushed me quickly. He held my hand softly as Jungkook turned the TV back on. The newscasters were covering the accident again and I turned away, covering my ears. I heard the boys gasp and a faint murmur from the tv, then them talking. Taehyung's hug became tighter around me as I kept my breathing steady, my eyes squeezed tightly shut and my hands over my ears.

I felt him gently tug at one of my arms and I opened my eyes. They had turned the tv off again. All the boys were leaning over the sofa, speechless. Jungkook looked as if he was about to cry too. I took my hands away from my ears and the boys all apologised one by one.

"I'll find out when the funeral is and I'll take her" Yoongi mumbled softly just before he left the room. Jimin bent down and planted a soft kiss on my head before he left too. They all slowly left, either apologising again or showing affection in some way. Taehung didn't let go of me once.

I looked up into his eyes and he sighed softly, attempting a smile. I smiled back at him. I always did. He gently took my hair and brushed it all back so it wasn't in my way and stroked my cheeks. My eyes wandered from his eyes to his lips and then his hair. He looked so good with that colour hair.

"Your hair looks so nice that colour" I said softly, trying to change the conversation. He chuckled softly.

"Does it?" I nod and he smiles even more. "What If I do this?" Tae then pulled a really sexy, serious face. I bit my lip as I stared at him and nodded quickly.

"Yesyesyesyes oh my god, you look good!" I giggled. Tae smiled his boxy smile proudly and poked me of the nose. I laughed a little more and he kissed my lips softly.

"Ew, your all salty from crying" He joked with me. I pouted and kissed him again. He pulled a face as if he was disgusted but broke out in a fit of laughter. "Hey Listen, I've got to go work in about 10 minutes"

My smile slowly faded and I looked down. "Oh" He put his hand under my chin and brought my face back up so he could look into my eyes which were filling with tears again.

"No don't cry. The boys will look after you. I'll get them to take you out somewhere" Tae said quickly. I nodded a little and wiped my tears with a small sniffle. He gave me another little kiss and stood up. I walked him to the door where he gave me another kiss.

"I love you Seo-yun" He chimes softly. I smiled slightly and nodded before closing the door. I turned around straight into someone's chest.

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