Part 9~

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"Wait what? I didn't even think you like me" I mumbled as my eyes widened. He nodded slowly. He looked confused himself as if hew wasnt sure why he had said that. I chewed on my lip as i looked past him towards where the boys are then back up at him. He was so gorgeous and he made my heart flutter constantly. My mom liked him and there was no reason not to. Kai would be fine with it too. I sighed softly then nodded. "Okay. If you want that then okay."

Taehyung beamed at me and hugged me tightly. I froze up a little, shocked at how much had happened today. I hugged him back before we walked back to the camp, side by side. The boys had brought out bottles of beer and seemed slightly drunk. I bit my lip as i got nervous. I knew what drunk people do. It would be so much worse now considering i was the only girl. I grabbed Tae's hand and made him stop quickly.

"Don't get drunk please" I asked him quickly. He studied my face and i could see it in his eyes he was worried. He nodded and ruffled my hair a little.

"I wont let anything happen" He said softly as we walked back to the boys. I sat on the end of one of the benches and Tae sat by my side between me and Yoongi who was the only one who didnt seem drunk. He glanced over at me, then at Tae and raised an eyebrow.

"Like im going to do anything. Besides, these guys are a bunch of lightweights. They'll be too drunk to even see soon enough" Yoongi muttered to Tae as he stretched out. "I'm off to bed. You two are sharing a tent i guess" He shrugged as he got up and climbed into one of the middle tents.

"Yoongi hyung~ Are you going to bed already?" Jungkook called over to Yoongi. He was clearly very drunk, probably because he was the youngest. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him and unzipped the tent. 

"Yes i am. You lot are too drunk for me to be bothered with" He mumbled as he climbed in and zipped up the tent. Jungkook sighed and took another swig of his beer. I sighed and sat closer to Taehyung who was dozing off. I smiled and shook him gently. He groaned and looked down at me with a glare.

"What?" He growled at me. I bit my lip and looked down as i fiddled with my hands. Why was he talking to me like that? He was fine a second ago.

"Um- you fell asleep so  i was going to tell you to go to the tent" I said slowly. I glanced up at him and he was giving me a death stare.

"First off, dont tell me what to do. Second off, dont wake me up. I'm sleeping for a reason" Taehyung snapped before he got up and stormed off to one of the tents.

Breathe✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ