Part 43~

493 13 3

Taehyung P.O.V

My phone began to buzz. I was just about to fall asleep and the fucking phone goes off. I slowly reach over to the bedside table and pull off my phone. Unknown caller. The company. I sigh and pick up, ready to be told it was a test or something and I failed.

And that's exactly what it was. They told me it was against protocol to kill the other workplace members. First off, that was Yoongi, not me. Why am I getting the shit for what he's done? This always fucking happens.

"We are relieving you of this job. You are too emotionally attached to your friends and that is a large problem, Mr Kim. Please do not come to the office, we will deliver your things. It was nice working with you for the short period. Such a shame it went this way. You may keep the house and the money we have given you this month but that is all you receive now. Goodbye Mr Kim" The man on the other end of the phone said in an irritating, smug sounding voice.

I hung up and growled loudly, gripping my phone tight. I couldn't throw it and destroy it because that was my only way of talking to Seo-yun. I sighed deeply.

Breathe Taehyung. Don't freak out now.

I reached over to my bedside and put my phone down then buzzed the button for a nurse. One came rushing in after about two minutes and frowned as she looked at me. She then crossed her arms angrily and huffed.

"What is it, Kim?" She asked rudely. I scoffed at her and shook my head.

"First off, this hospital need some nicer staff, I've literally just woken up. And two, when am I getting out?" I mumbled unhappily. She rolled her eyes at my first statement and looked out towards the corridor.

"Tomorrow, if someone collects you"
"Have you called anyone to get me yet?"
"No, if you really want to leave I can get someone to call someone"
"Well Yeah, go call someone. I hate hospital and you aren't very nice"

She shot me an evil glare and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her. I chuckled softly and picked up my phone again to looked at the time. 3:18am. I looked down a little more and my eyes met hers. Seo-yun smiled happily at me on the background of my phone. I don't remember when I took this but I did. It was my favourite picture of her.

A tear slowly rolled down my cheek as I smiled, studying the picture. My phone slowly faded to off and for some reason, that broke me. It was literally nothing but seeing her fade away on my phone screen reminded me of real her and real us. We were fading away. She was fading away to the other boys. It wasn't their fault or hers, it was smile entirely.

I laid on my back and put my face in my hands as I cried deeply. I cried for a good ten minutes, thinking about loosing her. Seo-yun was the only think keeping me alive but I was the only thing that kept killing her. It was only a matter of time before I really did.

The nurse from before suddenly came into the room and stopped when she saw me crying. I cleared my throat and wiped my tears quickly, looking directly ahead.

"One of your friends is coming to get you now. Get ready" She mumbled, watching me closely. I nodded slowly and she left pretty quickly with a deep set frown. I sighed and slowly sat up. There was a small pain in my chest but it wasn't too bad now I'd been awake a few hours. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and got up, unclipping myself from the machines and things attached to me. I slowly walked around the room, grabbing my things and getting dressed.

I then sat on the chair by my bed, waiting for whoever was picking me up. After a twenty minute wait, Namjoon entered silently. I turned to him and smiled softly and he did the same. He looked worse then I felt. Now that I think about it, when I saw them all earlier they all looked bad. My smile turned to a frown and I stood up slowly.

"What's happened? You look like death" I asked him softly. He chuckled a little and shook his head.

"We've all been so worried we've forgotten to eat and stuff. Don't worry, now your back we will be alright" He smiled at me reassuringly. But it wasn't reassuring. He said 'We've all'. That meant all of them were in this state. Including Seo-yun. My eyes widened in panic and I looked towards him.

"Is she okay?" I asked quickly. Namjoon nodded. I let out a sigh of relief before he slowly led me out of the hospital and into the car. We drove home in an awkward silence as he focused on the road and I stared out the window. I kept catching glimpses of my own reflection and I looked horrible. My roots were showing past my red hair which needed cutting badly. I looked like a skeleton, to be honest. I was stupidly skinny and I had dark bags under my eyes. I sighed and just closed my eyes so I couldn't see anything.

Before I knew it, we were at the house. I guess I fell asleep. We silently walked into  the completely noiseless house and went off to our rooms. I went to the bathroom first. As I opened the door, I was hit by warm, wet air from the shower running. I looked up and saw Seo-yun sitting on the bottom of the shower, looking upset.

Breathe✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant