Part 18~

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I kissed him back slowly when a policeman cleared his throat. I pulled back and blushed deeply. Taehyung smiled at me softly before he let my wrist go so I could leave. The policeman opened the door and locked it again behind me.

"He's calmed down now. You can leave and visit tomorrow. We will probably release him too tomorrow unless we find any evidence not to" The police said to me slowly as he lead me out of the cell room. I quickly waved to Tae and he waved back.

The police then gave me a ride home. As I walked in, my mom jumped up from the couch and gave me a huge hug. "Are you okay? Did they find the boy? Have they caught the man who attacked you? Was it the same person who attacked you?" She was asking me so many questions and I just sighed.

She quickly let go and stepped back, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry dear. You should go to bed" She said quietly. I nodded and walked up to my room, thinking about Tae kissing me. I laid down in my bed and smiled. Pretty soon, I fell asleep to the thought of seeing Tae again tomorrow.

Taehyung P.O.V

After Seo-yun left, I brought my knees up to my chest and sighed deeply. If they test this blood I'm going to be so screwed. I smiled slightly as I thought about when I kissed her.

"Hey Runaway! Shower time!" A cop yelled at me as he banged on my cell door. I stood up and walked over to the door as he opened it. He shoved me out and I breathed out deeply, trying to keep calm. He pushed me all way to the showers and stood by the door.

The hot water running over my body was so relaxing as I tried to wash the blood off. Most of it came off but some stayed stained to my body. I rubbed my face roughly as I tilted my head up so the water was running onto it. All I could think about was if I had to leave Seo-yun.

"Alright, time to get out" A cop said through the door. It was a different guy to the one earlier and I sighed with relief. I dried myself down and got changed into some clothes my parents had brought me which meant they were here. I was taken to my cell and as I expected, my parents were there.

They stood on the other side of the bars and judged me silently before my father spoke up.

"I am so disappointed Taehyung. It has been less then a week since the trial and you are locked up again? What is wrong with you!" He yelled at me. I sat down and waited for him to finish. I glanced up at him with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm in here for nothing again! It isn't my fault that I've got this fucking disorder!" I yelled back at him.

"Don't you dare swear at us Kim Taehyung!" My mother yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms angrily.

"I know what you have to say already so just go away" I mumbled angrily. My dad scoffed and stormed off with my mom closely in tow. I stood up and paved the cell before I punched the wall hard, causing my knuckle to crack.

I sat down on the floor again and breathed heavily. I didn't know what to do anymore. My parents were going to disown me for sure and I could be losing Seo-yun forever. I suddenly broke down into tears and held my side tightly as I felt the wound open again.

Breathe✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant