Part 32~

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"You've got some explaining to do. And you better tell us the truth before you lie to her" Yoongi growled at me with his arms crossed. I sighed and closed the door slowly and looked down at Seo-yun who was laying in Jimin's lap. I felt a hint of anger flare up but buried it as I leant against the wall.

"I got a job. You'll all be safe. We've got to move. It's great pay. Is that enough?" I stated quickly. Jimin raised his eyebrow at me and nudged Hoseok who was falling asleep. He mumbled something and turned his head, falling asleep again.

"What sort of job?" Jimin asked quickly. I thought hard about whether I should tell them or not. I glanced down at Seo-yun who was still sleeping. She would hate me if she knew but they boys wouldn't. Hopefully.

"I don't know if I can tell you. Your my best friends so I'm going to anyway. I'm a hitman" I said slowly, keeping my eyes on her. I glanced up at Yoongi and Jimin who were frowning. Jimin looked confused and Yoongi looked less mad.

"You won't die right?" Yoongi asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. I shook my head and he let out a soft sigh of relief. Jimin chewed his cheek a little and looked down at Seo-yun.

"She won't like it" He mumbled as he pushed her hair out of her face. She yawned softly and sighed as she slept.

"Which is why you won't tell her. She can know I have a job but you won't tell her what it is. The other boys can know but she can't, no matter what" I replied quickly. Jimin nodded slowly and stretched with a small yawn which woke Seo-yun up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes softly.

She saw me and frowned slightly. "Your back. Where did you go?"

"He got a job. We've got to move for it though" Yoongi said quickly. I glanced at him with a slight frown and he gave me a look as if to say 'relax, I've got this'. I nodded as her frown disappeared and she yawned softly.

"Where and when?" She asked softly as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was a mess after sleeping but still looked gorgeous. I couldn't help but smile.

"America and this week preferably" I replied as I took my hands out of my pockets. "Actually, Can you guys get the others to start packing please?" I said to Jimin and Yoongi. Yoongi nodded and walked away while Jimin woke up Hoseok. Once he explained what had happened, they walked off to.

"What is your job?" Seo-yun asked as we walked to our room together. I put an arm around her and sighed softly.

"Just something" She looked at me with a frown before we began to pack everything.

About two days later, we were all set and boarding the plane. The company had paid for everything including a minibus for us to travel in once we arrived in America. We arrived at the airport and headed to our new house by the sea. It was a Gorgeous mansion which was so much better then mine back in Korea. We all ran off to claim rooms before napping in our new house.

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