Part 27~

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Taehyung P.O.V

I licked my lips as I approached the house. I gripped onto the pocket knife in my sleeve while I carefully slipped through the police tape over the door. Memories of stabbing him made me smile slightly. I opened the door as silently as I could but failed as it creaked loudly. I sighed in annoyance and stood in the centre of the room.

"I'm here, dickhead. Show yourself" I yelled out, spinning slowly in a circle. I quickly made a mind map of where things were just in case it go chaotic. There was a small shuffle of steps. I squinted against the darkness to see a small figure and a flashing red dot.

The child stepped out into the room. It was a young girl and she was covered in explosives. She held a phone to her ear and she cried softly.

"H-he says you have t-to hand yourself over to the p-policeman o-or me and your friends will d-die" She cried softly. I knelt down and put a hand over my mouth as I stared at the young girl. I tear slowly slid down my cheek.

"It's gonna be okay. You'll be okay" I whispered softly. The girl didn't move at all, she just looked past me. I stood up slowly and shook my head angrily. "Whoever the fuck you are, your disgusting" I spat into the darkness.

"You h-have three hours t-to hand yourself in h-he says" The girl piped up again. Enough time to say goodbye, not enough to explain. Damn it. I left the house quickly and legged it home.

Seo-yun P.O.V

Jimin panted lightly as he laid down by my side. He smiled up at me and I smiled back. I can't believe I just did that with him.

"Promise me you'll never tell Taehyung" I said quickly to him. He nodded and got up slowly, putting his clothes back on.

"You best to get cleaned or he will know someone was in here" Jimin said softly to me. He finished getting dressed and planted a kiss on my lips before he left and locked the door again. I smiled softly and got up to shower as I was super sweaty.

As I showered, I thought about what I did with Jimin. I didn't know if me and Taehyung were actually official yet but I hoped and prayed that he would never find out. He would probably kill me- literally. My smile faded as I looked down at the stitches and remembered when he stabbed me. Slowly, I slid down to the bottom of the shower and put my head in my hands. There were too many things on my mind.

From the distance, I heard the door be unlocked quickly and heavy breathing. I thought it was Jimin again and I was about to shout at him to wait but Taehyung burst into the bathroom. I covered my body as I sat in a tight ball and stared at him.

"Someone wants you and the boys dead. I don't know who and I can't explain why but I've got to turn myself in to the cops" Taehyung spoke hurriedly as he turned off the shower and handed me a towel. He turned his back so I could put the towel on. I stood up slowly and wrapped it around my body before stepping out of the shower.

"You haven't done anything wrk g though" I said slowly as I walked into the bedroom with him in tow. He sighed and sat on the bed, looking down.

"I can't explain. I just have to leave now. The boys all know I have to leave, but I can't explain to any of you. You will all be staying here until I get out of jail" Taehyung said quickly as a tear rolled down his cheek. I rushed over and pulled him into a tight hug, crying too.

After a moment of hugging and crying, he pulled away and looked me up and down. "Can I see you? One last time before I go.." He asked softly and tugged at the towel. I sighed and bit my lip before I put my arms out and let the towel drop. I looked away from him as he put his hands on my naked hips and examined me. Less then a minute later, he wrapped the towel around me.

I looked back at Taehyung as he stood up. He smiled weakly at me then pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back twice as hard and tried to stop myself from crying. "Please don't leave" I whispered into his chest.

"I have to" Tae replied softly as he brought my face up to his. He put his hands either side of my face and kissed me deeply. Our tongues met momentarily before he pulled away. I walked downstairs with him and he said goodbye to us all quietly.

The door closed and he was gone. I collapsed to the floor in a flood of tears and Jin rushed to my side, pulling me into a hug. I pushed him off me and he backed away, looking hurt. I couldn't believe that Taehyung had just left us.

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