Part 35~

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I stopped at a burger stand a few miles from home and grabbed myself something to eat and drink. I had my music on pretty loud in the car to stop myself from thinking. I sat parked on the side of the street eating and watching people drive and walk past me. I could have to take down any of those people.

Maybe I shouldn't have picked this job. No, I should have. Everyone is safe. We have a good life. Don't screw this up now, Taehyung.

I sighed and started up the car again, driving home. The drive seemed endless and boring. I sighed and finally arrived. Everything was quiet. I wondered if they were all out. I opened the door and froze dead in my tracks when I saw Yoongi on top of Seo-yun and they were kissing.

Seo-yun P.O.V

I looked up into Yoongi's soft, sharp eyes and sighed. I pushed him gently out the way and sat on the sofa, turning the tv on. It was still on the news so I quickly flipped to a different channel. I heard Yoongi sigh and he walked over to me and sat by my side. I saw him bite his lip as if he was thinking of something to say and rolled my eyes.

"What is it Yoongi?" I snapped impatiently. He seemed a little taken back by my little outburst and crossed his arms. He then shook his head and went to stand up, but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down. "Stay with me. Please" I mumbled quietly. I didn't particularly want him to stay but Tae wasn't home and Jimin would probably just come at me again.

Yoongi nodded and put an arm around me. I put my legs over his and leant my head on his shoulder. I flicked through some of the channels for a while before stopping on a cooking show. We watched it for a while in silence before Yoongi sighed deeply. His stomach growled loudly and I laughed a little.

"This show is making me hungry" He mumbled and got up, pushing me off him. I grunted a little and watched him grab the takeout menu from the table. He came and sat by me again and I snatched it off him.

"I want to choose first" I said as I examined it quickly. He snatched it off me and started looking at it.

"No, I'm older so I get to" He replied grumpily. I sighed and crossed my arms then leant over his shoulder so I could see. I glanced up at him and from this angle and being this close, he was stunning. His dark eyes studied the paper and flitted around causing his long eyelashes to move around too. His soft, shiny, pink lips were pursed as he was thinking which made them look even more kissable and his skin was just flawless. I caught myself looking for too long and groaned loudly before snatching the menu off him again. 

I leant back and held out of of reach of him as he tried to grab it off me again. He frowned at me angrily before grabbing my hips and pulling me closer too him. He leant over me and instead of grabbing the menu, he grabbed my wrists instead. He pushed me down onto the sofa and climbed on top of me with a smirk.

"I'm gonna have to punish you for that" Yoongi smirked at me. I bit my lip and attempted to cross my legs but he stopped me with his legs.

"Yoongi please just don't" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper. He shook his head and made a noise to hush me as he examined me from this angle. I tried to pull out of his grip but he held me tighter, making me wince. "Yoongi. Get off. Stop it" I growled again.

I took in a deep breath, ready to shout for one of the boys when he clamped his mouth over mine. His lips were soft and slightly wet and he clearly knew what he was doing with them. I caught myself kissing him back and stopped quickly. He pulled back with a smirk, still holding my wrists.

"You kissed back. Did you like it?" Yoongi asked seductively. The truth was I did, and I wanted this to go further because I liked Yoongi but I couldn't do this to Taehyung again. I did it with Jimin and I don't think I could bear to do it with Yoongi. I saw him studying my face as I bit my lip and thought. He sighed impatiently and rolled his eyes. "Look, Taehyung won't know"

It was as if he read my mind. Yoongi then bent down again and began to kiss me softer then before and I kissed back. I didn't stop myself this time because it was nice. Maybe the boys were right that they could treat me better then Taehyung would. But Hoseok said we were good together. My thinking slowly halted as I focused on the kiss. Yoongi slowly moved his hands off my probably bruised wrists and moved them to my hips. I felt him tug softly at my jeans but stop when the door opened. 

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