Part 37~

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Taehyung P.O.V

Jungkook opened the door and told me and Namjoon to come in. He had been helping me calm down while we stood out there, getting me to breathe deeply ect. We came into the room silently and I stood in front of everyone with my head down. I glance up once or twice, scanning everyone's faces. Seo-yun and Yoongi refused to look at me. Yoongi took a deep breath and gradually looked over at me.

"I pinned her down by the wrists, that is why she is bruised. I kissed her" Yoongi admitted slowly. I clenched my fists and breathed out slowly like Namjoon had told me to. I saw everyone shift in their seats slightly, ready to either attack me or protect someone. I nodded slowly and stayed calm.

"I am so sorry Seo-yun and Yoongi" I muttered quietly. It was almost a whisper. My head drooped down slowly and I put my hands in my pockets. I used my foot to play with a little bit of shattered glass from the table. My eyes followed the trail of glass to meet the huge pile which was splattered with a little bit of blood. I couldve killed Yoongi if it wasnt for Seo-yun.

"We understand your disorder didn't help." Namjoon said clearly. I looked up at him and he nodded once at me. At least he understood me a little. I looked around at everyone else and they were nodding too. I let out a small sigh of relief and looked over at Seo-yun who was standing up. I stood back a little and prepared for her to hurt me when she lauched at me. Instead, she hugged me. Tight. 

I looked down with a frown and hugged her back, a tear rolling down my cheek. I heard her whisper an apology and i shook my head quickly. My phone then bega to buzz and i pulled it ut quickly. As i thought, it was the company. I picked up and frowned softly as the boys andSeo-yun all gave me strange looks. 

"Kim Taehyung, Mr Bang wishes for you to come to the building for training please. It will laast for a duration of approximately a month. Please come withing the next 48 hours" The woman on the other end of the phone said in a matter-of-fact tone before hanging up. I sighed and took my remaining arm from around Seo-yun.

"What is it?" She asked softly. I sighed and rubbed my eyes a little, slipping my phone in my pocket. I glanced towards the boys who all knew what it was just by my hesitation. I bit my lip and looked back down at her, brushing my thumb gently against the brusing on her fce. She flinched when i broughtm y hand near and winced when i touched the bruise. I pulled my hand away quickly and sighed again.

"Work need me to go abroad for a month." I lied to her. Her face instantly became a picture of hurt as she let out a small 'oh'. I pulled her into another hug but she pushed me away softly. She then turned around and left the room without another word. "Jin, look after her. They need me as soon as possible." I said to the boys quickly.

I made my way to my room silently, knocking on the bathroom door on the way. I heard Seo-yun sniffle before she muttered for me to go away. I sighed and went to pack my things. Once packed, I went back to the bathroom which was still locked.

"Seo-yun. I love you. Remember that. I'll be back soon, I promise" I said softly to the door. She hummed a reply and I laid my hand on the door. I just wanted to see her before I left but she didn't want that. I walked away, crying slightly. As I entered the main room, I wiped my tears and said goodbye to the boys. I stepped outside where there was a car waiting. I threw my stuff in the back and we drove away.

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