Part 36~

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Taehyung P.O.V

I clenched my fists as anger filled me instantly. I didn't even care about trying to calm down. She was laid under one of my best friend, kissing them. I stood frozen to the spot, watching them for a moment. It was as if they didn't care I was standing there. Along with anger, another feeling was rocketing up. The feeling of not being good enough. Disappointment. I stormed forward and grabbed Yoongi by the back of his shirt and dragged him off Seo-yun. She sat up quickly and waved her hands at me flustered.

"Don't you even fucking dare say you can explain!" I spat at her. I caught sight of her wrists and noticed the bruising. That was from him. I was still holding onto him. I slammed Yoongi down into the glass coffee table which shattered beneath him. I then wrapped my hand around his neck as he struggled to get away from me. I felt Seo-yun grip my shoulders tightly before she yanked me off him. As I tumbled to the floor, I flung my arms out and my fist met Seo-yun's face. Then another pair of stronger hands pushed me down to the floor and Jungkook appeared in front of me, climbing on top of me to keep me down.

I fought to get out of his grip but he just held me tighter, hurting me. I winced slightly and let out the breath I had been holding for what seemed like forever. My head cleared slightly and I realised what I had just done. I slowly looked over at Seo-yun who was cowering and holding her face while Hoseok hugged her. My eyes then travelled over to Yoongi who was being helped up by Jimin and lead out the room.

"Can someone explain what the hell just happened?" Jin asked angrily as he sat on the couch, followed by Seo-yun and Hoseok. I sighed as a tear slowly rolled down my cheek. I bit y lip to stop myself crying but it was no use. I was disgusted with myself. If Seo-yun wasn't going to leave me before, she definitely going to nw. Jungkook let go of me cautiously and gradually got off me. I sat up slowly and massaged my hand slowly.

"I walked in on Seo-yun and Yoongi." Was all I could squeeze out. Jimin and Hoseok gasped quietly while Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin stayed silent. Namjoon turned to Seo-yun with his arms crossed and gave her a disapproving look.

"Who kissed who?" He asked sternly as he raised an eyebrow. Seo-yun removed her hand and I could see the bruises already forming. She took a deep breath and looked at me for a second before her eyes met the floor.

"I can't say. Either way someone will get hurt. Either me or Yoongi" She said quietly. Hearing that made me feel horrible. I felt like a monster. I put my head in my hands and let out a deep breath. "I won't say until he leaves the room" She added after a moment of silence. I felt someone gently touch y shoulder and glanced up to see Namjoon with his hand placed on me. I sighed and we silently left the room.

Seo-yun P.O.V

As soon as the two left, Jimin turned to me angrily. I bit my lip and looked down, playing with my hands. I must seem like the biggest tramp right now. I sighed slightly and glanced up at the other boys. Jin was waiting for me to speak and Jungkook looked worried. I wondered if he was worried for me or Taehyung. Hoseok put his hand over mine softly and gave me a soft smile. I didn't want to look at Jimin.

"He kissed me but I kissed back" I stated slowly. Jimin shook his head and stood up quickly. He began to pace and I pushed myself into Hoseok's side, afraid he might hurt me. Hoseok put a protective arm around me and kept a close eye on Jimin.

"So are you going through all of us?" Jimin asked irritated. I shook my head quickly and looked down ashamed. I put my hand over my face and tenderly touched the spot where Taehung hit. I winced slightly and glanced over at Jimin who was sitting back down now with Jungkook's arm around him.

"Why did you kiss back?" Jin asked with a slight frown. I shrugged softly and sighed, rubbing my eyes. I loved Taehyung more then anything but I just didn't know if we would work anymore. I wanted to stay with him but he had hurt me so many times.

"What should we tell Tae?" Hoseok asked softly. I looked around at the boys and saw them all thinking hard. Hoseok then suddenly grabbed my bruised wrist and examined it roughly. I winced and yanked my wrist away, holding it tightly. "Did Yoongi do that?" His tone seemed more intense then it did before. I nodded slowly and he inhaled sharply. 

"We should tell Taehyung exactly what happened" Yoongi muttered from behind us. We all turned around to see him limping slowly into the room with a piece of tissue to his lip. "I'm in the wrong, he has to know."

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