Part 38~

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Seo-yun P.O.V

The month with Taehyung gone wasn't too bad but it wasn't great either. It was nice to spend time with the boys but I just wanted him. The boys tried to make it seem like he was there by acting like he would or giving me constant hugs and things but it wasn't the same.

It was roughly 3am and I was just laid in bed. It was the same most nights. I barely slept. Barely eat. I was probably on the verge of going to hospital or something. It was just like when he went to prison except I didn't know where he was or if he was safe. I tried calling him a few times for the first week but soon my calls just stopped going through.

I wanted to go and lay with one of the boys to see if I could sleep then, it usually worked. The only problem was that I've slept in one of their beds every night for the past two weeks and I'm pretty sure they were getting sick of it. I let out a deep sigh and slowly got up. I might as well go watch TV or something if I'm not going to sleep.

I silently walked through the corridors, every now and then one of the beach wood panels creaking beneath me. As I neared the main room on my tiptoes, I heard the TV already on. I frowned and pushed the door open slightly, slipping in without a noise. I looked over at the bright blonde mop of hair and smiled slightly. Yoongi looked good with that shade of hair. We dyed it a couple of days ago. His excuse for it was: 'if Tae gets to do it then so do i'. After twenty minutes of arguing the rest of the boys jumped on his bandwagon and now they look like a rainbow.

I crept up to him quietly and stood behind him for a moment. He seemed so attached to whatever he was watching that he didn't notice me. An evil grin crept across my face as I thought of a plan. Suddenly, I brought down my hands on the back of the couch really hard, creating a loud bang while I shouted "What are you watching?"

Yoongi almost jumped out of his skin. I started laughing hard and my hands slipped off the back of the couch which made me fall to the floor. I couldn't stop laughing. I heard him breathing heavily for a few moments before his angry face popped up over the back of the couch, looking down on me. I wiped away the tears from laughing and tried to stop myself from laughing again.

"What the fuck are you doing? You scared the shit out of me!" Yoongi growled at me angrily. I wasn't intimidated by him because I knew he wouldn't do anything. I sat up and looked up at his soft face and his angry expression.

"Well I can't sleep" I mumbled as I rolled my eyes and stood up. His eyes followed me around the sofa until I sat down. He swivelled his body from facing away to the TV to facing me.

"So you want to terrorise me? You've climbed into my bed enough" Yoongi muttered as he shuffled around, trying to get comfortable in the corner of the sofa so he can see me and the TV. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, it's fun. It's funny seeing bad boy Yoongi scared out of his wits by a little girl like me" I smiled proudly at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"I'll show you fucking bad boy if you do that again" He smirked, turning back to the TV. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"Please. What are you gonna do?" I put my arm up on the back of the couch and leant on my hand with my eyebrows raised at him. He shook his head softly and smiled at me.

"You know exactly what I'll do" He replied seductively before he turned his attention back to the TV. He was right. I did know. And I didn't care. Why should I? Taehyung left us. Yoongi was treating me well. What was Taehyung going to do anyway? Kill us both?

I smirked at Yoongi and shook my head softly. "You know that doesn't scare me" Yoongi looked over and bit his lip, thinking for a moment. He then stood up and leant over me, putting his hands by the sides of my head on the couch. He used his knee to open my legs and laid down between them, smirking down at me.

"Well you know what they say, if you can't scare 'em, screw 'em" Yoongi whispered into my ears which gave me shivers. I laughed and put my arms around his neck.

"No one says that but you Mr Min" I whispered back. He chuckled a little and tilted his head to kiss me and I did the same. Just as our lips met, there was a knock at the door.

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