Part 22~

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Seo-yun P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard the door open. I yawned a little and rubbed my eyes. When I brought my hands away, there stood Taehyung. My heart began to beat quickly as I shuffled away in my bed. I was terrified he was king to hurt me.

"Taehyung... please don't" I whispered. He just sighed and shook his head, sitting on the chair by my side. As I got a better look at him, I began to cry. He was super pale and ridiculously skinny. I could see almost all of his bones and there were deep bags under his dark eyes. His bouncy, bright brown hair was now flat, greasy and dead.

I put a hand over my mouth as I began to cry and held my stomach to stop the cuts from opening. Tae sat toward and put his frail on top of my free hand. He gently brushed his thumb against my hand as I slowly calmed down.

"Tae. W-why do you look like that?" I stuttered as I let out a shaker breath. He smiled at me weakly and pulled his hand away before pulling his shirt sleeves over his hands. His oversized shirts always looked so good on him but now they just completely swallowed him.

I reached over to my bedside and pressed the button that called for help. Tae looked around slightly panicked as a nurse rushed in.

"What is it, Miss Min?" The nurse asked hurriedly. I sat up as best as I could and winced slightly.

"Can you bring two roast dinners to me please? And can one of them be a large and the other just a regular. Thank you" I said softly. The nurse nodded and walked out.

"I'm fine. You don't need to feed me" Tae said roughly. I shook my head and put a finger to my lips.

"Shh. Your in worse shape then me. But don't think that this is me forgiving you" I said slowly. He nodded a little and looked down.

"If I wasn't so weak, I'd hug you" He said with a little smile. I smiled back a little and held out my hand to him. He took it and began to stroke my hand again.

"Why did you do it?" I whispered to him slowly. Tae looked up at me slowly and bit his lip. I saw him searching for an answer and looking around the room.

"I was mad and I didn't know why you did it and I couldn't help it and-" He broke down and started to cry mid sentence. I reached over and put my arm on his shoulder, pulling him over. He rested his head on my shoulder and hugged my tightly. I winced slightly and he pulled back immediately. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" He cried deeply.

I put my finger to his lips and he looked at me confused. "Shh. It's okay. I'll be okay soon. They are letting me out in a week or so. I told the police it wasn't you don't worry. They are searching for a middle aged man with a beard right now" I said softly. He chuckled slightly and wiped his tears.

"Why don't you just let them lock me up?" He whispered quietly. I sighed slightly and held my side as it started to hurt. I didn't want to turn up the morphine though because I wouldn't be able to talk to him properly.

"Because I don't want to lose you" I replied without hesitation. Tae nodded slowly and looked me in the eye. I could tell that he was really beating himself up over it. There was a light knock at the door and a nurse came in with our meals on the tray.

She handed Tae the larger one and put mine on the tray that slid across my bed. I slowly began to eat mine once the nurse had left and I glanced over at Tae who ha almost finished already. I laughed a little at him and he looked up with an eyebrow raised before he went back to eating.

I only managed half of mine by the time Tae was finished. He pushed his plate back onto the tray and burped loudly, making me laugh.

"I'm still hungry" He laughed, sounding a little better. He looked around and spotted a vending machine just outside my room and got up. "Hang on. I'll be back in a second" He ran out there and got himself loads of snacks while I put my food on the same tray as his.

Tae stayed with me right up until visiting hours were over. He promised me he would come back every day and he did, looking healthier every time. The day finally came that I could leave the hospital and Tae offered to take my home because my mom was working.

He wheeled me to his car in the wheelchair that the hospital made me sit in, even though I could walk, and helped me inside. He then leaned over me to buckle me up and I laughed.

"I can do that myself Mr Kim" I said with a soft giggle. He put his hands up defensively and I flinched slightly. He put his hands down quickly and looked down sheepishly.

"Sorry..." He mumbled as he climbed in his side. He started up the car and drove me to his house. I frowned slightly as I watched my house whizz by.

"Tae, you missed my house" I said softly and I saw him nod.

"Yeah I know. Your staying with me for a few days"

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