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Dan's soft bare legs crossed over each other as he watched the party from afar. It wasn't that he didn't have anyone to talk to, quite frankly he knew 50% of the party. But no, it was completely voluntary. Most of the cheerleaders invited him to bop to the music, along with trembling nerds asking for a slow dance; but to all of them he said a polite, "No thank you."

He sat silently on the sofa, iPhone in his grip as he googled the definition of feisty on Urban Dictionary sipping on Dr. Pepper in a red solo cup. He had no idea who's couch he was slumping on but a party is a party.

The music boomed, but wasn't loud enough to alert any neighbors which was always a plus when it came to parties—jumping fences wasn't exactly Dan's forte.

Looking out onto the party he took in the sight of PJ drinking a beer next to a crowd of other players.

Whenever Peej had a chance, he would drink as much as possible which made Dan concerned and angry at the same time. "I guess I'm driving home tonight," He muttered hotly underneath his breath adverting his attention anywhere else in the room. He lifted the plastic cup to his mouth taking the last sip of soda before a chunk of ice hit him in the face.

Sighing, he got up and walked towards the kitchen to refill his cup. The lavished scullery was empty besides one of Clearwater's cheerleaders sitting on a far away counter with her tongue down a Rydell's throat. She was senseless, everybody knows Rydell's football player's can't stand to be with one person for more than five minutes. Inwardly rolling his eyes, Dan picked up the liter of Dr. Pepper. Slowly, he poured the sugary drug into his cup watching the fizz skillfully brim the white plastic rim but not overfill. He looked out across the countertops, eyesight dancing over all the different types of alcoholic drinks.

He turned around almost cockily as he felt superior that he wasn't drinking, he didn't need alcohol to be cool.

Suddenly, his chest bumped into someone else's. Though not hard enough to spill his drink but hard enough to send a few droplets climbing out of the cup and fling with escape. His eye level matched with this boy's jacket. A huge yellow R in his face already annoying him. He backed up, looking up to meet the his gaze. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Coke on the rocks huh? Good choice," The guy said, a drunk looking smirk on his face, his most-likely fogged mind slurring his words.

Dan huffed, shaking his head. "No," he smiled awkwardly attempting to get out of the situation. "For one this is Dr. Pepper, coke is for losers and two I don't drink."

With no control over his eyes the footballer stuck out his hand not caring about what Dan was saying. "The names Wesley, you're Daniel right?"

Dan sneered at him, still keeping his smile locked on his face but utter disgust tried its hardest to inch into his expression. "Yeah," He gave a poise chuckle. "Umm, well I'm going—"

Wesley's face contorted. "You're not gonna ask me how I know you?" He mumbled a little too gruffly, while stepping closer to Dan.

The cheerleader gave a halfhearted giggle, pressing his back against the granite of the island. "Uh..no—umh co-could you show me where the restroom is—"

Wes continued to walk closer; breath wreaking of cheap beer. "Ooh I've never done it on a toilet before," He shrugged. "Guess it doesn't hurt to try something new.." Wes leaned in for a kiss but before he could plant his lips anywhere near Dan, the curly haired boy raised his fist letting it collide harshly into his Adam's apple.

Wesley then backed up choking on his own air, he grabbed hold of his throat bending over to cough.

Dan turned around trying to walk out of the kitchen but only a second later Wes stood up again; voice coming scarily in a creak. "Oh, you're not getting away that easy," He clenched his fingers around Dan's skirt, yanking him back close. With no regards to the law, the pervert grabbed hold of Dan's ass causing him to squeak.

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