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a.n - do you guys even care any more ahahah

Dan's elbow was propped up on the passenger's side door, pressing into the black smooth leather of Phil's car. His legs crossed towards the door as he sat uncomfortably on the edge of his seat. With each air pocket left in the street their heads would bump forward, causing Dan's stance to slip for him only to place his head back onto his palm and stare at the dark roadway ahead.

Though it went unnoticed, Phil stole glances every few seconds, noting how his passenger was literally about to make a run for it.

The silence wasn't terrible, it was almost an unspoken agreement to not speak a word. Though, Dan's heart beat was literally booming out of his chest and Phil could sense it.

But he'd rather sit there in tense silence then come to find out Dan was kidnapped when he could've drove him home from the party. His conscience wouldn't have allowed him to sleep that night if he let him walk.

Dan chewed his bottom lip, trying his hardest to calm himself down though his breathing merely seemed to get harsher as moments went by.

Both of Phil's hands clenched around the wheel, sending quick sideway glances towards him.

Dan moved in his seat, instead of looking out his window he tied his arms around his stomach feeling his own air pumping through his lungs begin to slip from his grasp. You're done for, he's stronger than you, there is no way you're going to be able to get him off you, Dan thinks. He still glued his eyes anywhere away from Phil, doing his best to focus on the trees that rushed by in shadows of light. There's literally no one of the highway he can pull over and do it so quick, you should have listened to PJ. Dan pressed his his arms tighter into his chest, his thoughts conjuring up unwillingly twisted things. You can't trust Phil, you really can't, PJ knows this kind of stuff, you would've been better if you walked home! You should've took your chances—the thinking didn't stop, and the sudden ache in his head made his exhales now come out shaky. He wanted to be home, surrounded by his fathers paintings in order to feel that same sort of comfort he longed for again.

Phil looked over his expression changing over the situation. His eyes scanned over Dan's on the brink of trembling body, squinting his eyes in almost confusion. "Hey—" he moved his hand from the wheel to Dan's knee though Dan instantly reacted, hastily shoving Phil's hand off him in an act of fear.

Dan then immediately cupped a hand over his mouth, gulping. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he mumbled quickly, shaking his head as everything he did felt like the wrong answer.

Phil raised his hand up in defense, smiling in order to comfort Dan in some way. "It's cool, babe, it's cool. Don't even worry about it, you're um—" he paused, pressing on his breaks in order to slow the car. "you're not okay? Are you okay? You're like panicking—do I? Do you need something or something?"

Dan blinked a few times, trying to keep his composure as he noticed the car stopping. He swallowed his words trying to find the right ones in the process. Sighing, he just closed his eyes taking in a deep breath, calming himself. "I'm sorry—I just did-didn't, um," he closed his mouth restarting his sentence. "I'm just," he let out a half-hearted laugh taking in a breath taking his look from Phil's concerned confused eyes. "I'm just a scaredy-cat," he grinned placing his hand on the nape of his neck. "Sorry, if I was freaking you out or anything, I thought was I was freaking out quite unnoticeably actually."

He chuckled gesturing with his eyes to Dan's arm still clutching onto his shirt. "You were until you started squeezing your stomach."

Dan looked down then grinned, his cheeks beating red for a moment as he moved his arms to his side, sitting up correctly.

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