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"Cheeky little shit," Dan said breathlessly. His glittery fingertips hung carelessly on his front door's silver handle.

Phil in stood the door frame of Dan's house, shiny white teeth perked up into a signature smirk. A bouquet of white roses and pale daffodils poked from the plastic wrapped in one hand and in the other drapes a black leather jacket behind his back. He wore black slacks with a belt that clung to his body. A tan long sleeve cuffed perfectly at his wrists. A golden watch that screamed wealth flashed generously.

"Well, I have to meet your parents," Phil mutters with a shrug outstretching his hand for Dan to take the flowers. For a second, Phil sized Dan up and down. The way his eyes started from Dan's white Filas, quickly following up his vintage mom jeans that hugged his waist due to his hanging chains, up to his slate-like indigo, coloured cami tank top.

"Oh," Dan gulped flashing his teeth swiftly. He brought a finger to head scratching automatically. "m-my um dad's not home—but my momma is."

Phil shrugged. "I guess I'll have to get the old man's blessing later, can I come in?"

Dan backed up a little letting Phil step into his home. A wave of hesitation splashed harshly against Dan's features. His heart pounded as Phil lent by Dan's ear whispering. "You look so goddamn beautiful." Leaving Dan's nails to press into the delicate flowers in his hands.

"Ditto, ass kisser." Dan squinted his eyes, trying to contain his own smirk as Phil gently moved his face closer to his ear barely brushing his lips against Dan's cheek. One simple action and Dan's air was ripped from his lungs.

Beaming at Phil, Dan raised his voice a bit. "Momma...Phil wants to meet you," in a slight haze, he twisted on his heel leading Phil towards the kitchen.

"What a gentleman!!" Delilah giggles using her hands to fluff up her hair. Her back stays turned to them for a second. "Say, that Beck guy didn't even attempt this I already have a good feeling about this—oh dear."

Phil's shoulders perked up at the sound of Dan's mom's voice dropping as she laid her eyes on him. He reached his hand in for a quick handshake. "Nice to meet you Ms. Howell I'm Phil Lester."

Delilah grinned at Phil despite PJ's accusations against him. "Oh goodness, call me Delilah," She retracted her hand, doe eyes crinkling at the sight of Dan with flowers. "You're a cutie, I like you—what are your plans with my son?"

Phil felt his confident facade crack at Delilah's stern words. "We're just gonna catch a scary movie and then a quick bite, I'll have him home by 11."

Dan glanced up at Phil moving his ditsy gaze from the bouquet in his tips to him; concerned looking. "Scary—" he chuckled, swallowing a bit of fear. "How thrilling."

Two tickets for Doctor Sleep later, the couple were sat comfortably in their seats sharing quiet stories and containing loud laughter as other theatre guests settled around them.

Phil picked a few pieces of popcorn from the popcorn bucket they decided to share. "Genuinely curious..." he says underneath his breath throwing the pieces into his mouth. "are you going to tell your bodyguard about this?"

Dan instantly shook his head. "As if," he murmured. "He would kill us both, no cap."

Phil then smirked lifting up the center drink holder wrapping an arm around Dan tugging him closer. "Then I have nothing to worry about, do I?"

Dan took Phil's cologne, the powerful smell overtaking his brain with a whirlwind of colours along with comfort. It wasn't musky but saffron, sharp impale to the lungs made Dan go gushy from the inside out. He brought his legs up letting Phil immediately grab them so he could run his thumb up and down his knee. Breathing out, Dan nodded. "Nothing at all."

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