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His back leans against the popcorn walls of the schoolhouse. A toothpick clung between the intervals of his sharp teeth and his being was surrounded by other players measuring up to his league.

A few short minutes ago the bell dismissed hundreds of students. Like water creating a crystal puddle, pupils seeped into the parking lot in rows of laughter and freedom.

PJ remained in his comfy spot, eyes bumping over each bookworm watching as they scurried to their car, each clique-less girl rocking her head with the beat of her wonderful taste in music and players leaning over small cheerleaders; undeniably flirting. He did this often; almost like he is reigning over his empire, making sure all were in line. His core shaking green eyes swiped over an out of place figure throwing off the rhythm of his Monday afternoon.

I'm so dead, I'm really dead, consider writing my obituary Dan fucking Howell you killed me. Phil reciprocated over and over in his head. Out of pure nervousness, he shoved his hands down into his pockets scanning the parking lot in front of him.

An assortment of people, some ambled to their cars while others seemingly darted for their lives.

Phil felt his cheeks fill up with air as he puffed them out, fear danced around in his sight till he took in a swift breath. He allowed oxygen to pass through his lungs as he stepped further onto Clearwater territory. After enduring the torture from his teammates for losing the game last Friday, the least of what he wanted was torture from Clearwater residents. Pushing back his thoughts, he now started to stride with his walk, confidence building with each step he stole away from his car.

A student double-checked him as he walked towards to front of the school, the ideas and confusion swirled in the minds of others. The girl had her arms wrapped tightly around three binders as she leaned in next to her friend walking beside her. "That's the guy who ran off the field!"

Phil rolled his eyes at the whisper of crows surrounding him, continuing his destination. His feet came to a halt of the curbside of the school and his eyes locked with none other than PJ's.

A torrent of rage rushed throughout PJ's body, he soared over to Phil getting into his face, attracting people's stares. "Why the bloody hell is your ass on my ground?" The stench of a fight made a few people turn their heads and pull out their phones.

Phil sneered his eyes stepping closer, unintimidated. A snicker curved his mouth and he jutted out his chin. "I'm picking up Dan, do you have a problem with that?"

PJ puffed out his chest, blue and purple anger beeping his heart. "Yeah, actually I really hate you associating yourself with him."

Phil snickered quietly underneath his breath, he shrugged with his words. "Well, lucky for me, I really don't need your approval—"

With a wide stance, PJ bared his teeth. "Actually," He used to hands to push Phil's chest making the semi-crowd gasp. "Dan is my friend and I'm pretty sure I know what's best for him," Phil stumbled back, the veins in his neck now starting to throb making PJ smile. "And I'm really sure, you're not what's best for him."

Phil pressed himself closer to Peej. "Who gave you permission to approve of Dan's love life?"

Before it was even noticed a crowd filed around both of them.

Dan turned around pressing his back against the double doors of the school, his black sparkling backpack reflecting sunlight as he pushed them open. He pressed a hand to his mouth covering his laugh as he linked arms with Dodie.

"He brought you home? Lester...brought you home for the second time!" Dodie squeaked.

"I really don't understand why everyone here thinks he is such a bad guy I mean, he's really nice and not what people think he is," Dan tilted his head towards his friend. "Oh yeah, he's picking me up today as a sort of initiation—"

Dodie stopped in her tracks and pointed towards the riot happening in front of the school ways away. "I think your initiation is working."

Dan then lost his breath, a weight in his stomach forming as he noticed what was going on. Immediately, he started pacing forward, unhooking his arm from Dods as he darted towards the crowd.

Dan threw his backpack to the floor diving into the crowd hearing both PJ's and Phil's yells through the growing chants that started to erupt from the circle. He pushed himself in between both of the rivals. "What the hell do you think you guys are doing?" he barks, hands pressing into both of the guy's shirts.

Blinded by their anger, Peej and Phil overlooked Dan with a sense of frustration making him become a sort of obstacle.

PJ yanked Dan by the arm ripping him away from Phil. He leaned in harshly, gesturing to Dan who he threw behind himself. "You really think you're going to take Dan home? He's mine."

Phil growled, then reached back in now pulling Dan back into him. "Who put you in charge, PJ?! He asked me to pick him up!"

"Stop it!!" Dan screams yanking both of his arms away. "Both of you," He trailed off in a calmer tone. He took a deep breath in, swallowing.

Silence lingered for a second as everyone stared at the small cheerleader.

Dan raised his finger pointing irritatedly at PJ. "You, don't dictate what I do," he muttered. A huge smirk snaked it's way onto Phil's lips as he watched PJ roll his eyes and snarl. "I love you Peej but attempting to beat in Phil's face because of your pointless judgment is exhausting."

Behind Dan's back, Phil squinted his eyes feeling as though he was winning the feud but unexpectedly Dan flips around cutting him off. "You're not off the hook either, I'll yell at you in the car, let's go."

PJ stood, immensely annoyed like a scolded child.

Dan's words come quick but with a sweet knowing smile as he looks up at Phil. He then squeezes Phil's hand, alerting him subtly. The crowd dispersed as they stepped through leaving PJ in the middle. In one quick gesture, Phil swiped Dan's backpack from the floor sneering back at PJ.

With a sharp wave of his hand, the crowd of people dispersed and Peej stomped away leaving in humiliation.

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