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Felix's hands go soaring shoving Phil up against the silver gym lockers, slamming a door shut in the process. "You're kidding me, Lester!" he barks, palms squeezing around Phil's limp biceps.

"Can I fucking get dressed first?" Phil bargained, immediately jerking his shoulder against Felix's grasp shrugging his captor back a smidge in order to get his shirt back over his head. His hair dripping down in front of his pale features from the shower he managed to get out of.

"You can't do this to me!" Felix protested nearly below a whisper. "What if people find out, huh? Then what!"

Phil leaned forward jaw cocked and shaking side to side. "What're they gonna do, Pewds? Sue me?" Phil turned around to pick up his duffel bag now filled to the brim of dirty clothes, shoes and a single football. "I'm sorry, but I like Dan and I wanna stay with him," he smiled. "You won the bet—"

Felix's breath came panicked unwillingly out of him. "Phil you don't understand how bad this is for me." He put his hands on his hairline pushing the light brown locks backwards.

Phil's being began to push past Felix with a large sigh shaking his head as he did so. "I'll get you the £500 Homecoming Game night, I swear."

"It's not about the money, Phil! I could care less it's about..." he paused. "who you're banging—"

Phil instantly whipped around, the flame below his feet rising to his cheeks. "We're not—" he paused for a second reminding himself of his actions the night before. "leave me alone, Felix."

Felix lit up at the thought quickly. "So you guys did do it! This is perfect now all you have to do is drop him, Lester it's not that hard!"

"Felix! I don't want—!" Phil pressed to hands into the sockets of his eyes. "Don't you see!?" he exclaimed walking closer. "Dan, he—" a tiny smile manages to inch its way into Phil's lips. "He's different and I like where we are, why does that bother you so much!?"

Felix spoke quickly spewing bullshit. "It'll kill me more than it'll kill you! Get this through your thick skull genius, the team will not have our quarterback goofing around with a Spartan!"

Phil finally turned around, not taking in any of Felix's words.

"Fine," he says not wanting to continue. "I'll just have to take this into my own hands."

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