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a.n - back kings and queens and better than ever, i apologize for my absence beauties! In honor of complete patience with me, double update!! Enjoy!💕

Dan sat on Phil's lap breathing gently. His head on the upperclassman's bare shoulder and his back against the steering wheel of the black corvette.

Phil rubbed circles with his thumbs into the corners of Dan's waist making a shiver travel up his spine. His turquoise and white cheerleading skirt slightly going up and down with each motion.

Phil kissed up the smaller boy's neck all the way to his ear; tracing over the sensitive love bites while Dan sat silently with his arms wrapped around him.

"You alright, beaut?" Phil asked calmly, underneath his breath bringing his hand up to Dan's semi-wet hair gently tugging on the tuffs of it.

Dan buried his cherry red cheeks deep into Phil's neck, nodding at his question. The blinking stars above the car made the dark night cave in around them.

Phil chuckled and moved his hand from Dan's waistline to brush a stray hazelnut coloured lock of hair behind his ear. "Never thought heaven could be a place on Earth..." he whispered.

Dan walked his fingers up Phil's bare chest, looking through his dark, luminous eyelashes keeping his look on the sharp ridges of Phil's neck.

"Never thought an all-star like you could ever like boys in skirts.." Dan muttered quietly.

Phil smirked in response, easing up an eyebrow at the small boy.

"Especially," Dan continued, sitting up correctly. "Boys who cheerlead for your arch nemesis's team."

Phil tilted his head back letting out a small chuckle. "You would be surprised, doll face."

Dan giggled and lifted his crimson tinted cheeks looking Phil in the face. "What're you're teammates going to think if they ever found out you're dating your arch nemesis?"

Phil laughed tilting his head back against his seat in amusement. "They might kill me," he says, his words laced through giggles.

Dan dropped his look and sighed. "I'm sorry that—"

The football player rolled his eyes in response. "Don't be sorry—it's not your fault you're irresistible."

Dan snorted, trying to attempt to hide his face behind his honeydew fingers, his cheeks became a colour to rival the rose-pink hue of a rainbow garden. "I hate you."

Phil sat up taller, easily removing Dan's hands from his freckled face and kissing around his jawline. "You love me," he murmured, dragging his lips against Dan's soft skin.

Dan shifted, shaking his head as Phil started to nibble on the side of his neck. "Philly.." He moaned a little quietly this time, feeling his lower tummy start to clench again.

Suddenly, an abrupt ring sang through the air. Dan huffed and reached over the seat shuffling for his phone blindly letting Phil continue.

Finally, he looked at the screen seeing his mom's contact glare in his face. He squeaked and immediately placed his hand over Phil's mouth. He raised the phone to his ear swiftly mustering the most innocent voice he could conjure.

"Hey mum!" He looked Phil in the eyes begging him to stay quiet.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? It's half-past 11 young man! What are you doing?!" She asked urgently.

Dan gulped glancing around the car. "I-I I'm sorry I lost track of time..?"

"That sounded like more of a question mister. What in the world are you doing?"

Dan leaned his head back in annoyance. "After the game I-I got talking with—some of the other cheerleaders! And we all went and got some coffee.."

"At 11 o'clock at night?" She queried irritatedly.

Phil smirked and dragged his hands back up Dan's skirt making him bite his lip. Dan cleared his throat trying to pay attention to his phone call. "Yes! Yes mum, you know how us teens like our coffee!" Dan silently cursed himself, placing his fingers over his eyes in disappointment.

Phil's hand leisurely, glided down Dan's left leg trailing down with a tickle to his ankle where Dan's untouched panties hung. Instantly, Dan's hand gripped around Phil's wrist as he held the phone clenched to his ear pleading for Phil not to continue.

Mrs. Howell growled under her breath. You could hear her shaking her head from miles away. "I want you home in 10, don't be doing anything wrong, Daniel."

Dan couldn't for the life of him answer, his mind never this occupied when talking to his distressed mother. His hand held onto Phil's wrist for dear life, not daring to let go.

Phil chuckled evilly, beginning to win the feud by using his free hand to remove Dan's right fingers from his wrist.

"Daniel James!" His mother screeched into the phone snapping Dan's attention quickly.

"Uh? Yeah mom—"

"I want you home in 10 minutes!!"

Dan watched completely helplessly as in one swift movement, Phil grabbed hold of the underwear, throwing them backwards into his backseat. Then grabbed Dan's hand sticking one of the shaky boy's fingers in between his warm lips.

"Ok-ay! Of cour-se. Yes ma'am!"

He as quickly as possible hung up the call. "Asshole!" Dan shoved him, wiping his fingers on his skirt. "That was my mom!"

Phil laughed. "I know. I just wanted to have a little more fun before I have to take you home."

Dan ran his hand through his perfect curls beginning to pull up his spandex shorts. "She swears I'm such a bad kid."

Phil licked his lips adjusting Dan closer to him. "Oh..sweet beaut," He sighed, slightly wiping away his smirk with his hand. Phil leaned closer. "I mean..your underwear are in my back seat.." He murmured seductively.

"Speaking of!" He whined, starting to stand up and reach behind Phil head. Though the action failed as Phil places his hands on Dan's hips, pulling him back down. "I need those back!" Each one of his features crying out in embarrassment as he plopped his head back on Phil's shoulder.

Phil cooed at him trying to maintain his laughter. "Later?"

"Since when are my panties up for discussion?!"

Phil exhaled loudly, grinning. "But I'm pretty sure I should take you home so you're mom doesn't slit my neck open or something."

Dan lifted his look up to the roof of the car, mouth falling open. "If you think you're keeping those—" he began trying to wiggle back into his spandex shorts. "You're royally mistaken, baby."

Phil smiled with wide teeth, nodding. "I'm gonna miss you for a bit, Howell."

Dan's face couldn't help but go red. His legs felt like jelly for two reasons and one of them were cutting his heartstrings.

Phil squinted his eyes then reached behind his seat digging around his football practice equipment. Then finally he pulled up a maroon hoodie with RYDELL HIGH FOOTBALL written in bold across the chest and on the back; Phil's name and number 01.

Dan grinned as Phil slid the jacket over his curly head. "There, now you have a piece of me wherever you go."

Dan couldn't help but want to break out in tears. He's never had a boyfriend who offered their jacket and this was just a huge memory he would never forget—but he said: "If I wear this to school you'll for sure never see me again."

Phil shook his head with a chuckle in his throat. "No one will touch you if you've got my name printed on your back doll," He placed his hand on Dan's thigh squeezing it. "Unless they want a face full of dirt."

Dan giggled shaking his head. "You're weird."

"And you're mine, doll face."

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