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Phil gripped onto his backpack with an unneeded harshness. His cleats pressed into the cold tiles of his empty school. His forehead creased with dry beads of sweat, he lugged his football gear down to his locker. A book for biology was needed for homework and even after reminding himself a million times before he went to practice he still forgot to pack it.

A breathless pant left his dry lips as his heart pounded from running his final rounds moments before. Making it to his locker he slapped his bags down uncaring of the belongings inside. Retrieving his book, he headed out the double doors to the parking lot, mumbling a quick "Later." to the nice office ladies as he passed.

He squinted against the sunlight as it hit his sharp features he brought a hand to his eyes giving them shade in order to make it to his car. He searched for a moment, finding his corvette when a buddy caught his eye.

Felix stood, hovering over a small black car; his hand resting on the hood of it peeking in.

Phil watched subtly when Felix slammed the door shut and car whipped out of the parking spot.

Slowly, like a heart-stopping movie, the pure evil drove by Phil as if taunting him in a way he didn't know of yet.

Jason smirked, his grimy hands glued to his steering wheel as he pressed the gas, burning rubber.

Phil looked up as swiftly as possible to see Felix. "Aye! Pewds!" he shouted quickening his pace towards his friend.

Felix stopped and refrained from getting into his own ride. He turned around, the fear riddling his features as Phil's being hurried closer to his own.

"What the fuck are you doing talking to him?" He yelled instantly dropping his bags to the concrete and grabbing fistfuls of Felix's shirt. Phil held him up shoving his back against the car door. "What the fuck are you doing?! Do you have any idea who the fuck that guy is?!"

Felix recoiled then shoved Phil in order to regain his space and a place for his lies. "Dude, he's just one of my dealers—" he coughed up.

"No, he's not, I know that guy he tried getting onto Dan at the game! That's the guy I told you of—what the actual fuck are you plotting?" he spoke, fear and venom running thought his voice. "Don't fucking play dumb with me."

Felix shook his head, hands up in defence then swiftly switched up. "I'm not plotting shit, but you should be? Play-offs are tomorrow maybe Jason should do something with Dan—"

Phil punched Felix square in the face and thrust him pinning him to the car. "Don't you ever let Dan's name slip from your motherfucking mouth again, you hear me?"

Dazed, Felix nodded and gulped.

A ring sang against the dented air. Phil tugged his phone from his back pocket. He gazed down at the screen for a split second then answered. "Hey, doll."

"Phil, are you home from practice yet? I have to talk to you about school today." Dan murmured. A frown laid on his face as he sat on the corner of his bed.

Phil finally let go of Felix and at that swift opportunity, Felix swung open his door only for Phil to grab it. He moved his phone from his mouth and leaned in. "I swear it, you won't see the light of day." With that, he shut the door letting Felix zoom away.

He pressed his phone back to his ear. "I got caught up with something, I'm walking to my car now, bubs what happened at school?"

"Nothing much, Mister Auburn said "use my words" so I wanted to talk to you about it..." he sighed mocking his teacher's assertive tone.

Phil smiled as he stepped into his car. "Spill the beans, baby."

Phil bumped against the black pavement, race car booming with its engine. He listened to Dan talk with uneasiness about the hoodie and how he was able to finish a masterpiece by lunch.

"Auburn said it would make me feel better if I spoke about—am I bothering you? It's okay if I am I won't be hurt if I'm annoying, I'm sorry—"

Phil instantly stopped in his tracks, face dropping in concern then he giggled hoping to lift Dan. "Dan, of course, you're not bothering me, tell me everything that's on your mind don't hold back," he adjusted himself in his seat; first time ever comforting a person. "I'm sorry for the sweater thing, trust me during Homecoming no one will say shit with me around."

Dan leaned back into his pillows shaking his head. "You need to eat some humble pie and get over yourself." Dan giggled making Phil chuckle along with him.

"I'll invest in some humble pie on the way home then."

He snickered, a smile from ear to ear as he pressed his phone with two fingers to his ear. "I think you should."

The air got quiet as it died with a few more chuckles from both parties.



Dan took his bottom lip between his teeth, eyebrows creased. He let the silence between them linger and the sudden fear combed the vibe. In a shaky, barely above a whisper, he said, "I'm scared for Homecoming."

Phil breathed nodding. "I know—"

"If they continually called me a slut for wearing your hoodie—what're they gonna say about us together."

Phil began pulling into his silver-cut driveway. "Let them talk, let our peers have their talk, darling? You really want a few teens ruining our night? We go, we have our time, we leave, we get pizza and we make out! Simple!"

Dan laughed and nodded. "One hundred."

"I don't want you to worry about it anymore, it's going to be the best dance of our lives and no one will take that away."

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