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765 38 15

a.n - sorry haha finals week, good luck💗💗

"You drive a hard bargain, sweets," Phil murmured with both hands clenching onto his steering wheel.

Dan let out a huge sigh slamming his hands onto his head. "On god, I didn't want you to get in a fight," He sat up from slouching in his leather seat. "I swear I didn't mean for Peej to do that—he has this weird thing against anybody talking to me that he doesn't trust, I really am sorry I totally forgot he existed."

Phil flashed a bright smile towards the cheerleader in his passenger seat. With a wink, he talked to the road. "You're still in my car, I'm positive I won."

Dan rolled his eyes, chuckling at the sight. "Well, I'm glad—thanks, you know, for this."

"Don't act like this is charity work for me, babe," Phil surmised. "Anything that revolves around you is a fucking gift."

"Oh, shut up," Dan laughed leaning his head back to his seat. "You're such an ass kisser. I bet you give your teachers a hell of a time."

"Both day and night—"

"Oh my god shut up!" Dan gushed, pushing on his arm, both of their laughs filling the comfy air. A few seconds passed till Dan's face contorted into pure anger. "Ugh!" He let out. "He's such a dick! I'm sorry!!"

Phil shook his head, his car coming to a swift red light. "It's fine, baby. Don't worry about it," he glanced over at Dan. "It's not your fault you're irresistible," he then winked striking Dan in a trance.

"Whatever you say."

Phil giggled, starting up his car again. "So, who is PJ to you anyway? Ex boyfr—"

Dan instantly cut him off, scooting up in his seat. "Oh, Jesus no," he twiddled his thumbs contemplating how to begin his explanation. "He's my best friend, always has been and is surprisingly straight, never in a million years would I date him—I've known him for so long it would be comparable to dating my brother."

Phil's lip drew back in a snicker. "Yeesh."

Dan nodded. "Exactly, nasty—he's just overprotective...his pea brain still thinks I can't fight for myself and with you around," he brought his hands up like they were scales in a supermarket. Chuckling, he lowered and raised his palms with an unknowing grin layering his face. "he's scared shit-less that you're gonna use your manipulative mind powers on me or something."

"Ah yes, Daniel," Phil laughed lifting one gripped hand off the steering wheel dancing his fingers around in Dan's face as if he was casting a spell. "Date me so I can win over your soul and feed it to the underworld gods."

Dan pushed Phil's hand out of the way with a smile. "Shove it up, weirdo."

Phil stole a look from his passenger, a smirk hidden in his features slowly peaking with his words. "Speaking of winning souls," Dan rolled his eyes glancing in Phil's direction. "8:30, this Saturday. Nothing to fancy but, cute."

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