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a.n - i feel like this is gettin' boring, just wanted so much in this book to be revealed it was hard to contain each chapter to slight bits — if that makes any sense. in other words i'm trying to pick this shit up. Only a few more chapters! 💕 Trust me and shit starts to rolllll

Phil never let his flings meet his parents.

Never in a million years would he have begged for his parents to get a night off to have dinner with a boy. But Dan, something about him made his heart swirl.

Dan's voice seesaws in his brain. His hands travelled up Phil's veiny forearms, his fingertips gently hugging them in a way to get closer. "I'm sure they're not that bad, Phil."

Phil looked upwards. "I'm telling you, Dan. My parents are rich and entitled and—"

Dan rolled his eyes smirking. "And you aren't?"

Phil's mouth slightly gaped open. "I-I don't act like—"

Dan giggled shaking his head cutting Phil off by grabbing his hands. "I know, I'm joking...I doubt they'll be dicks to me, Phil."

"You don't know that!!"

Phil's socked foot tapped against living room carpet. The white, elegant taste sewn throughout the house made Phil go uneasy. What if he hates them? What if this doesn't show him enough trust? Will meeting them, show him? Phil wipes his face with his slightly sweaty palm. This is Dan we're talking about, it's cool! Shut up, idiot—

"You seem a little ill there, Phil? You alright?" Kathryn mumbled with a smile.

His father grumbled a bit against the air. He leaned over the edge of the couch, snapped his fingers and instantly one of the maids of the Lester's household scurried over to him. "Would you please get him a glass of water, I don't want him going sick on the carpet—"

"I'm fine, dad." Phil's eyes then darted from the helpless television directly to his silver door as the tiny sound of tapping from shoes was heard approaching. He instantly shot up from his couch, his lanky body going helpless at the sound of Dan's soft knock.

Phil felt it in his stomach, the whirlpool in his digestive system made him want to puke. He made his way towards the door and opened it quickly revealing a classy dressed Dan in front of him.

The sight and subtle smell of fruit made Phil's stomach instantly unclamp. Dan held his phone in two hands as a smile gently perked up his rosé, freckled cheeks. Phil's hand accidentally remained on the silver door handle, blocking the entryway.

"Hi," Dan said barely above a whisper.

Phil's eyes couldn't contain themselves. Why, why are you doing this to me Howell— "Hey," he mutters quickly then instantly yanked his hand from the handle, realization hitting him like bricks. "Oh uh, sorry. C-Come in." His random case of awkwardness made him trip slightly over his own feet but not enough trip to fall.

Dan placed a hand over his mouth giggling as he slowly stepped into Phil's home.

Like shallow, hush ghosts, Mr. and Mrs. Lester was standing around the corner waiting for Dan's presence.

Phil's father leaned towards his wife's ear, the crinkles in his mouth dropping before Dan entered their sight. "A boy? Kathryn—"

"Michael..." Kathryn trailed off plucking at her clothes, searching for any errors in her attire. "When Phil said the name Daniel what did you—" she looks up, a shiny grin pulling up her features. With one elbow, she stabbed her husband in the shoulder cutting him off guard.

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