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Contains battery + assault

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Phil's head wasn't fully submerged into his game. Surprisingly, his thought process was glued solely to a curly-haired brunette cheerleader. Though he pulled his weight for the fight—it wasn't to his best ability. Dan's bright smile while he shook his pom-poms in place was ten times more interesting than chucking the ball across the field.

Every opportunity he got, Phil would glance over to Clearwater's side of the field. He puffed out his cheeks like he was out a breath then places his hand on the nape of his neck rubbing what little sweat off of it. Then, he would crane his neck so his eyes would catch hold of Dan; jumping around in his pleated skirt chanting quick sharp cheers. After a good few seconds, his Dan-o-Meter would fill up and he could swipe his eyes away and run back into the game.

After about an average of 20 subtle glances later, Phil accidentally caught eye with an unknown dark headed boy.

The boy stared Phil down from the bleachers, digging holes into his soul as Phil stared back. Written in the unknown boy's eyes was seemingly a scheme. Phil watched him move forward and place his elbows on the railing of the bleachers. The Clearwater guy stood still then leisurely moved his eyes down to the back of Dan's head then back up to Phil's.

It could not go unnoticed. Phil squinted back at him, confused at what the guy was referring to and why he gestured to Dan. Till the referee blew his whistle, Phil tried figuring it out. He rubbernecked towards the bleachers a few times before he was forced to huddle in a circle with his team.

"Why is this game so uneventful?" Dan asks with a small chuckle. "This never happens at a Spartan verses Red Hawk game?"

Dodie's head slumps back as she looks up at the dark starless sky above her head. "I know! Jesus, kill me," she glances over at Dan who shifted in his place. "So, Danny..."

Dan looks back at her, lacing his eyebrows together. "Hmm?"

"How are you and P to the J doin'?" she shuffles in a slight dance to her words, hoping for good news.

Dan's arms cross over his chest dropping his pom-poms to either side of his feet.

Dodie then stops, pouting now. "Awh—"

Dan shakes his head then brought a smile to his lips. "We'll be fine soon, once he realizes that what he did was shitty and apologizes...we'll go straight back to normal."

Dodie nods quietly agreeing with Dan. "What if he never realizes."

"Then he'll be considered to have the IQ of a rock," he giggles rolling his eyes. "He will, later..it'll hit him." He then placed a soft palm on Dodie's shoulder. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a jif."

"Be back before 15 minutes, we've got halftime."

Dan nodded in response giving her a thumbs up as he walked away.

Jason cocked his jaw witnessing Dan walking away. With one unhealthy sneer of his gaze, he smiled as he looked back at the green field filled with players.

The simple small voice of a hum came from Dan as he stepped far away from the field. The bathrooms were located behind the bleachers which was distant from where everyone was.

"Alright Hawks! Stick to the plan we mentioned before," Phil yelled over the screeching of students. "strategy 5," Every Red Hawk player responds with either a yelp or a nod.

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