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Phil's optics gently blinked letting in a bit of light from Dan's open window. The air felt soft, like water cascading out of a new faucet. Somehow, their sleeping arrangements were altered throughout their slumber. Dan's limp body now laid in the crevice of Phil's arm and chest. His cheek squished into Phil's side making him appear chubbier than usual. Phil brought his free arm to Dan's hair, as discretely as possible, he ran his fingers through his tangled curls. He couldn't help but smile down at him; absolutely loving every single angle Dan had to offer. But then his eyes stopped in their tracks. Dan's exposed leg was brought over Phil's as he straddled the player like a body pillow. Starting at Dan's toes, he followed his hairless leg up to his toned calf, to his thigh, he noticed something—off. Dan's pants.

Phil tried to not smile and look down at how perky Dan's butt was and lucky for him, he wore white lace panties making Phil go hot in the face. Phil placed his fingers over his eyes finally letting a smile grow on his lips. "Holy fuck," Phil mouthed inaudibly. You're trying to kill me, Howell. Phil thought, laughing at himself. You're seriously trying to kill me. Slowly, he reached down and grabbed hold of Dan's white fluffy duvet pulling it out from under himself and over Dan.

He stayed in place for a moment, gazing up at the ceiling and every once in a while at Dan who barely moved in his arms. Then suddenly a swift thought snapped in his mind sending ripples of uncertainty throughout his body. He looks down at the blanket that now covered Dan and switched his gaze to his phone. Phil shook his head at himself. It could be so easy, he thinks. One picture for proof and the bet would be over. He couldn't help but feel his stomach drop at him considering the idea. He slammed his hand to his eyes closing them. I can't, not to him. Phil reaches as far as he could for his phone, tugging it closer with the tips of his fingers finally getting the device in his clutch. With a single toss, he threw it on the floor causing a quiet thump to sound through the room. He raised an eyebrow, shimmying into his spot with a smile. There, now I'm not tempted—Suddenly, his thoughts broke away from his mind as Dan's head leisurely lifted up from Phil's chest, finally allowing blood to flow to Phil's dead asleep arm.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He chuckled a bit, lifting up his hand to slowly guide a loose curl away from Dan's face.

Dan smirked, eyes still blinking away sleep as he stretched his arms up. "Morning.." he nonchalantly sat up, pressing a hand to his neck rubbing out a loose knot. "How'd you sleep?"

Phil places his hand to head resting on his elbow as he smiled. "Better than I have in a long time."

Dan twisted his body nudging Phil down to the bed gruffly. "Do you always have to kiss my ass?"

Phil snickered. "But your ass is so damn kissable?" he places his hands behind his head leaning back
into his spot. He then geared his eyes down Dan then back up smiling. "Speaking of ass."

Dan rolled his eyes pushing himself out of the bed shrugging with his words. "What? I got hot."

"Yeah so did I—"

Dan picked up a pillow and bunted it directly at Phil's face instantly cutting him off. Dan scooted off his bed with a exultant, proud grin. He stepped into his sweat pants he wore last night and pulled them past his waist letting Phil enjoy the show. "Just be glad," Dan paused craning his neck to look at Phil. "That I'm that comfortable enough around you I can trust you to allow me to sleep without my pants on."

Phil nodded, a winning smirk on his face. "God is a real one," he said using his finger to point upwards.

Dan giggled quietly and turned around to lean against his vanity. Soon he began to poke at his face, pulling back his cheeks and applying basic serums to his face in order to look as shiny as he did.

Phil got up and began to tip-toe behind him. Dan watched in his reflection as Phil leaned over his shoulder and reached to grab a face moisturizer. "You put all of this? On you, everyday?"

Dan looked at Phil through the mirror with a smile. "I like my skin being healthy?"

Phil nodded then discretely place his hands on Dan's hips. "That's cool—" As swiftly as possible Phil jerked Dan backwards lifting him up from the floor quickly. Dan squeaked in response laughing a bit as Phil tossed him back on the bed along with himself.

"What do you want?" Dan laughed bringing his hands to Phil's chest in front of him.

"I want you to meet my parents now," he said without hesitation. "I've somewhat thought about it."

Dan scooted upwards, getting closer to Phil from underneath his chest shooting a smile. "Wait, for real? Even after all that talk?"

Phil shrugged staring at Dan's eyes as the crinkled with his expression. "They're complete assholes and this is a giant hop from where we are now but, hey? Who's charting steps, baby?"

Dan leaned in towards Phil, pressing his hands into the mattress behind him. "Again, you're derailed." He began to get up but Phil reaches out and tugged him back in smiling.

"I really just want you to trust me.." Phil whispers, his teeth peaking through his sharp grin. "And if meeting my folk are the only thing that'll make that happen for you, I'm ready."

Dan sighed unable to kill the happiness growing on him. He slowly, nodded with Phil's reeling facade. "Since when are we even a couple?" he asks hotly.

Phil raised an eyebrow, his head dipped swiftly then popped up once more. "Since bodyguard boy threatened to beat me in for associating myself with you?" He raised his shoulders up to his ears. "Oh, and I slept in your bed."

Phil loosened his grip from the boy underneath him allowing Dan to sit up from his spot in bed, grinning from ear to ear. "Just because I wanted cuddles that does not mean we're dating."

Phil places a hand over his heart screeching in a tight gasp. "And here PJ thought I was using you, no sir you were merely using me!" his chest fell to the bed as if he was a impaled with a spear. "I feel the need for pure—validation!"

"Oh shut up, you're so dramatic," he teased. Dan crossed his arms over his chest shifting in his spot. "It's not my fault you never asked me to be your boyfriend."

Phil lifted his neck from the pillows, blue eyes glistening in fabricated hope. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he let out quickly.

Dan shook his head, back arching as he smiled. "Not in a million years, Lester."

Phil got up on his knees, interlocking his fingers together pleading for Dan's approval. "Will you meet my family?"

Dan sighed loudly, beaming. "Your breath stinks."

a.n - ....ehhh

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