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An angered, annoyed grunt came from the parking lot, then a diva like scream cut Phil off immediately.

With a slight smirk on his lips Phil unwrapped his fingers around his car's door handle leaving the corvette alone in the dark. Clouding his mission to get home, he followed the sound of pure irritation to the middle of Sunshine diner's lot, finding something—or someone—that his bet revolves around.

None other than: Dan Howell.

Puffing out his cherry red cheeks he rolled his hands into fist, acrimony written in his usually soft, lighthearted eyes. With another screech in infuriation Dan muttered hotly underneath his breath. "Stupid ass Jeep! God mom's gonna have my head when she figures out this bloody car wouldn't start again! Argh!" Abruptly, the boy went to kick the vehicle but his right foot slipped out from under him.

On instinct, Phil darted towards him, football skills were put to good use as he luckily caught the cheerleader in one scoop.

In shock to the surprise, Dan widened his eyes, blinking quickly. He shook his head trying to regain his train of thought now noticing he was gripping onto Phil for dear life.

"Would it be cliché to say that you've fallen for me?" Phil laughed, raising an eyebrow at Dan, his snicker still curving his mouth into a smirk.

Dan cleared his throat and did his best to wiggle out of the quarterback's arms. He stood up straight, his tongue confused on what to jumble out. "Yes," He managed. "It would be very cliché..." He tugged up on the loops of his jeans, and adjusted his hair eyeing Phil—mostly trying to make out who he was in the darkness.

Phil smiled. "I hear you're having troubles with your car."

Dan stopped running his manicure through his curls and squinted his eyesight. "How'd you know?"

Phil chuckled pushing passed Dan to lift up the hood of the crystal white Jeep. "You're Prima Donna screams could be heard from the other end of the lot."

Dan rolled his eyes, crossing his skinny arms across his chest. "Screw you," He murmured causing a tiny smile to crinkle Phil's lips.

Phil ducked his head into Dan's car, he grabbed his phone using the flashlight to see what the problem was. He knew a few things about cars from his grandpa on his mom's side; which came in handy at points in his life. He turned around and shoved the latest black iPhone into Dan's hands. "Here," He said turning back around. "Shine it right here."

Obliging, Dan leaned forward, twisting his eyebrows into spirals on why this random guy was helping him. Not paying any attention to what Phil was actually doing, Dan danced his look over this guy's back noticing he was wearing a letterman jacket. Keeping one hand wrapped around the torch, he read the words embroidered across Phil's shirt.

Rydell Red Hawks

"Oh dear."

Phil stood up, slamming the hood back down popping it into place. "What, princess?"

Dan creased his eyebrows, his mouth cocked up on one side. He shook his head trying to shake off the sudden nickname. "Nothin," Dan lazily handed Phil's phone back rolling his eyes. "Thank you," He turned around, a shiver traveling up his spine as Phil dipped his head towards the cheerleader.

Phil's fiery blue eyes wandering over his frame, noticing the teal and silver bracelet wrapped around his wrist—though he needed no bracelet to help him figure out who Dan was.

"Oui, you're that one Clearwater—" Phil snapped his fingers, pretending to think. "You're the one who Wesley decided to—"

Dan stopped in his tracks, his hands rolled into cold fists. "Yup," He cut through Phil's words harshly.

The player grinned. "No wonder why I haven't seen you're pretty face around."

Dan sighed, opening his closed eyes. He turned around forcing a small smile. If dad taught him anything it would to always be nice to those less fortunate. Looking up at Phil, he blinked a few times listening to the sentences that slammed into the front of his brain. "You know...pretty face and princess isn't very," he paused. "isn't very enticing," he huffed.

Phil pulled his lips to one side, nodding. "Alright babe, what do you want me to call you?"

"Daniel Howell. My friends call me Dan—which you are not...so."

Phil smiled down at the short cheerleader ignoring the subtle hint to beat it. "Dan is cute, but doll face suits you better."

Dan took in a hasty breath, shifting his weight. "I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or a rude insult towards my name."

Phil lent over, tilting his head with a tinge of cockiness. "Take it as a compliment, sweetheart."

Dan audibly growled, then let his eyes roll into the back of his head as that was the only thing keeping him from punching the Red Hawk in the mouth. "Thanks," Dan jerked his thumb behind him as he danced on his toes. "Alright, well nice talkin' but I'm gonna go now—"

"It's because I'm from Rydell, right?"

Dan's brain stopped in its tracks, his expression dropping a little.

"You're from Clearwater, I'm from Rydell so that dooms is to be rivals, right?"

Dan turned around slowly, his lips showing a slight disappointed frown. But then he shifted his weight and looked up so he was able to balance out his sharp gaze with the Red Hawk. "You're right, I somewhat hate you because of your school but.."

Phil knitted his eyebrows together. "But?"

Dan waited a split second to continue. "At that party, with the ass-squeezing jerk," The brunette shook his head quirking up his mouth on one side. "That was all you and you're little league, huh?"

Phil audibly gulped and shifted uncomfortably, pressing his hands into his face. "Look I'm sorry okay?" he begged slightly.

Dan faced Phil with an astonished expression. "Wait? I was right? That was all you and your assholes?" He gave half of a laugh and put his hands on his hips. "I knew it! You planned all of that—I can't believe you would plan to—"

"Can we just start over?"

Dan's mouth snapped shut. "Start over?"

Phil bit the inside of his cheek, lips pressing into a frown. "Look, it was a elaborate plan to get your attention. People kept telling me that you were a damsel in distress type and me punching the guy that um," he paused. "groped you would get me your number," The fake sympathy, did wonders.

Dan crosses his arms over his figure, shaking his head. He looked up at Phil who stood red in the face; embarrassed. "You're kidding?" Dan took in a breath of icy air. "Well, your sources are flawed. I don't jump into the hands of any..." he trailed off, twirling his hand around in a circle trying to find the right word. "knight."

Phil smirked, tilting his head up a tiny bit. "As witnessed."

Dan snickered. "Right, but I can forgive you," he muttered uncrossing his arms. "If there's no more bullshit that is."

The player almost fell forward as Dan cockily flipped his body around stepping towards his car.

"Wait, what? Really?" Phil clamored out, raking in a breath feeling relived that he wouldn't lose Felix's bet after all.

Dan opened his car's door, standing on the railing of it to see Phil's absolutely shocked expression. "Sure," he raised his left shoulder up in a shrug. "Merely because I hate holding grudges," He started his engine and without shutting his crystal white door, he said: "Though you're gonna have to work a little harder in order to get me under your arm, Philip."

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