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Vincent's tight jeans made most of the boys' hunch over and drool as he knowingly strutted down the hallways of the school. His strawberry-blonde hair waved to the side of his head. The people standing in the middle of the halls swiftly moved out of his way as he looked like he was in a mission.

Not a second later, Vin grabbed Dan by the wrist stopping him in his school haze. "How was your date this weekend?" he asked without a hint of relentless hidden in his tone.

Dan gulped and blinked a few times trying to make out Vincent's words coming forth abruptly and not to mention towards him. "Huh—?"

"Phil Lester? Took you on a date around the city, or so my sources tell me," Vincent grins beginning to walk with Dan to his classroom.

"Uhm..." Dan smiles containing his laughter. "Yeah? And this concerns you...why—?"

Vincent reaches over and grabbed Dan's shoulders, smiling, striking suspicion in Dan like lighting. "That's not of importance, I just wanted to hear about it."

Dan straightened out his hair, using his glittery fingernails to gently fluff his curls. "Don't you find it completely hilarious that you out of all people are talking to me, Vincent?"

Vincent let out a breathy laugh and licked his lips. "I was just wondering what Lester did with you."

Dan shot a quick look at Vin and shrugged. "He just took me to a movie and ice cream—"

"Then what, took you to bed—?" Vincent pressed.

Dan widens his eyes and shook his head. "Oh, goodness no, Vin."

"You're kidding me?" he queries violently, shocked and hurt echoing off the walls of the hallway. His eyes remain wide, as he looks back at Dan beside him. "You've got to be joking—him?!"

Dan gently crossed his arms over his chest smiling back into his trance of a few nights ago while they continued to walk. "It's was? Romantic and—"

"And suspicious," Vincent glances over at Dan, eyes immediately changing to a slant. "Dan you really believe all Phil's bullshit?"

Dan stopped in his tracks, he looked back at Vin as his smile dropped with his words. "Why? You think it's BS?"

"Of course it's bullshit, Dan?" Vinny muttered chomping down on his bitter bubblegum. "Why? You don't think it is—"

Dan cut him off shooting a quick painful smile. He waved his hand dismissively mustering a fabricated laugh. "Obv-Obviously I-I do."

"Why else would he be all flirty and—" he pauses puckering his lips. "perfect?!" he counter-argues with a knowing giggle.

Dan brought his shoulders up to his ear, mouth falling slightly agape at the heart-wrenching thought. "I-I dunno...but why would he—?"

"Everything Phil Lester did last night was merely to get into your silky panties, darling," Vee says quickly not giving Dan a chance to speak. "Honestly, if I were you I would break it off. All Phil wants is sex and knowing you, your virgin self can't give that to him."

Dan furrowed his eyebrows together, swallowing thickly. "Vincent, I'm not prude..."

"Oh," Vee gave a menacing grin. "Well it wouldn't matter, after you've slept with him he will break your heart anyway—"

Dan lifted of his chin craning his neck. "Since when are you the walking dictionary with everything Phil Lester in it?" He grunts tilting his head.

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