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Dan's lips trembled, his shoulders heaved with emotion. His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands shaking from the fight before. A lone tear traced down his cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. And he wept for more than an hour; tears streaming from his deep eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from his throat. He lost his best friend? What did you expect?

He sat on the toilet seat, his knees to chest and his nose into crevice between his legs.

Then a few knocks at the door made his head shoot up. "Dan? Is that you?" The familiar voice spoke too proudly causing Dan only become more furious.

"Go away Beck!" He called, still keeping his arms wrapped around his knees. "Don't talk to me ever again, asshole!"

Beck licked his lips jiggling the door handle trying to get in. "Come on kitten! I was only kidding? I wasn't actually going to—"

Dan stood up from the toilet swiftly taking a step towards the the mirror gripping onto the granite counter. "I am so over being lied to tonight, Beck! I am literally about to rip out your tongue!"

"Let's talk about this, baby! I'm sorry I got the wrong idea from you—"

Dan looked up at the piercingly white ceiling, and agilely unlocked the door swinging it open. "There's nothing to talk about Beck?!" He stepped closer into Beck's personal bubble, making the player back up towards a wall. "I'm not going to speak to you, I'm never going to go out with you, and finally I'm never having sex with you!" he poked at Beck's chest with each word. "Ever!" He then as quick as lightning shot around attempting to march down the hallway when he abruptly collided with another guy, harshly banging his forehead into him. Instantly, Dan placed a hand over his head squinting as a torrent of pain thrashed through him.

The other party cursed under his breath as he doubled over holding the brim of his nose. He sucked in through his teeth clenching his jaw tightly.

"Holy shit, I am so s—" Dan locked eyes with the guy the moment he stood up straight. His hand dropped from his head and pointed towards Phil's nose immediately setting all differences aside. "You're nose! It's bleeding!"

Phil pulled his hand away from his flesh seeing the pool of blood cascading over his fingers. He then giggled bringing his hand back like a magnet. "Bro that's so bad ass you made my nose bleed!"

Dan widened his eyes grabbing Phil's wrist dragging him into the bathroom. "Holy shit! You crackhead! Tilt your head back," He pulled on Phil setting him down onto the toilet seat. Then as swiftly as possible wrapped a wad of toilet paper around his hand running it underneath the sink just enough to make it damp. He then placed it onto Phil's nose allowing him to take it from his hand.

Dan stood, fidgeting with his fingernails not letting a breath of air pass through him. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to like super sonic into you—Is it? Did I break your nose? I'll pay for everything if I—"

"Chill, sweetheart you didn't break my nose," He giggled, the left side of his faint pink lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his god like face; casting a spell of lust to eyes that dare look his way.

Dan sighed in slight relief, but then snapped his gaze away from Phil's enticing smile.

He swept his eyes away from the pacing Dan in his presence smiling now, looking back up moving the tissue from his nose. He reached his hand up putting pressure on the bridge of it. "No, it's definitely not broken, it's fine."

"Thank goodness," He paused slumping over. "I am still really, really sorry."

Phil shook his head, casing Dan's tense figure. "Accidents happen, bub don't worry—how's your head?"

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