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Dan's head rested in his palm, harshly pressing up his squishy cheek. He hated this class, though it wasn't his least favorite—it slowly inched its way up the line the more his teacher talked.

Ms. Cohen, his biology teacher, wouldn't come to a conclusion on how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. He stared at her, watching her upper lip curve downwards as she taught. Her teeth were covered in off-brand, bright pink lipstick and her long acrylic nails frantically tapped on the screen that projected a powerpoint.

It felt unbearable; like his brain was slowly melting into orange juice. His eyes glanced up at the clock, watching the thin red hand tick clockwise every second. He couldn't tear his eyes away from it and after staring for longer than needed, he figured out the time reading 3:45. A breath of relief washed through him as he realized there was only 5 minutes till he was released from school and only 5 minutes till he could head to practice for his game.

Dan leaned over digging his hand into his bag searching around for his cheery flavored lip gloss instantly putting it on. Elbows denting holes in his desk, he glided the Glossier across his perked lips when something caught hold of his attention. This time it wasn't his teacher's hairy upper lip but a pair of anthracite, velvet black irises. Dan stopped for a second, realizing that the man with dark eyes wouldn't for the love of God move his sight from Dan and that this supposed man was a very good friend of Jason's. Dan made sure to stare back but nothing seemed to faze the student.

Odd. Dan thinks to himself. He probably just zoning out and must be tired considering the enormous bags underneath his eyes. He almost snickers before the dismissal bell chimes loudly throughout the school.

Finally, giving into submission Dan slowly flicked his look away still feeling the student's eyes still follow his every movement as he hesitantly shoves his binder in his backpack and stepped out of the classroom.

The hallways were never quiet, they could replace a bird's scream—as it wouldn't make a difference.

Dan pressed himself through crowds of talkative groups of cliques not caring about the snarls he received as he passed. Finally breaking his pathway to his locker; he unlocked the door bringing the metal open. His brain was being surreally quiet as he gathered his few things and stuffed them into his bag. He untangled his wired earbuds, constantly needing something to go on in his brain he put one of them into one ear when suddenly someone pressed themselves into him. A loud whisper came from behind him to rival the random chatter of the hallways.

"See you tonight, puppy—better run fast," the voice concludes. The moment Dan whips around to find the face that matched the voice—it disappears into the groups of people crowding around.

Suddenly, a feeling of exposure rushes through him. He looked around, eyes seizing up the hallway quickly. Confused and slightly freaked; he laced his school backpack onto his shoulder and pulled his small drawstring gym bag from his locker heading out to the football field.

All the cheerleaders would meet out on the field every Friday in order to practice their stances for their game. Whether they were going to a different high school to support their football team they would meet here until the time came to leave and compete.

Dan sighed loudly and he paced through the parking lot, clenching tightly onto his things. After a good swift three minutes, he was at his location dropping off his belongings in the pile of the other cheerleader's things. He stepped over stretching bodies to his friend. He pressed his finger into Dodie's back then let his body go limp to the floor as he merged into a specific yoga pose.

Dodie looked up to find him, smiling greatly as her eyes matched with his. "Hey B!" she calls using her both of her hands to reach to her toes.

"So, I was at my locker right? Getting ready to come here when Richard whispers in my ear saying 'better run fast puppy, see ya' tonight'," Dan immediately blurts back, beginning to do the splits.

Dodie's eyebrows furrowed together. She begins to lift her left hand above her head, major confusion written in her tone. "Richard? Jason's buddy? That's creep-balls."

Dan nods his head frantically. "Well, he was like staring at me for the last five minutes of class that I know of. It was so weird, what do you think he means?"

Dodie switched her stance. "Does he mean tonight? At the game?"

Dan's eyes widen a bit his stomach slightly dropping. He paused for a second before responding. "Is he...eww he's watching me that's gross, Dods!"

Dodie laughed pushing back her shoulder-length brown locks. "I mean, it could be harmless he might just have a crush on you or something."

Dan brought his legs forward arching his back in order to do a backbend. "No way Jason would let that happen," he brought his body to a normal stretch. "And what is it with animal names!" Dan hollers with a chuckle. "kitten, puppy—it's weird man! Might as well start calling me a naked mole-rat but nooo that's not hot enough!"

Dodie laughed. "I couldn't tell you. Maybe men just see you as this helpless little doggie."

"So we're sexualizing dogs now? What's next! Dolphins?"

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