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"What the actual fuck do you mean, Felix?" A harsh, vile voice corrupted the air.

Felix gulped wringing out his fingers as if the laundry was readying to dry. "He's not breaking up with him, look I'll—"

A chiselled jawline slowly clenched causing Felix to instantly tense up. "You'll what? Pewds?" He smirked a glint of upmost destruction hidden behind his eyes. "Spit it out."

"I can, I can figure it out okay! I can speak with PJ and try to force the two apart just don't—"

"Don't what?" The man snickered. Eyelids squinting with the small chuckle. He picked up his phone quickly and swiped through the screen to reveal a simple photo. In front of Felix, held so delicately in the student's hands was Felix himself slyly holding tiny plastic baggies with dashes of powder inside allowing a blurred boy's face to take it.

Felix's eyes rolled into the back of his head every time the picture was shown to him only reminding himself of his idiocy. "Jason—" he murmured pleadingly. "I need that scholarship..."

Jason took a deep breath in and smiled directly at Felix. "Than get me what I want."

"It is not that simple! Who do you think I am!? The Godfather! I can't just force them apart!"

"You sure traffic like him, don't you?" Jason racked fingers through his dark brown hair, teeth white and shiny as he taunted the football player. "Figure it out."

"I'll try, just don't do anything irrational." Felix dripped his head into his hands rubbing his eyes gruffly trying hard to conjure a plan. "Our bet ends playoffs night, the day before Homecoming Dance—"

"I want him by then."

Felix threw his hands in the air, face a deep red. "I can't force Dan to like you, Jason!! You can't hold me accountable for his feisty ass!"

Jason swiftly tucked his phone back into his pocket, nodding. "But I can..." he grinned.

"You're sick," Felix said beneath a whisper still tugging anxiously at his fingertips. "Fetishizing Dan—"

"I don't fetishize, Dan!" He screamed in utter terror quickly shoving his face into Felix's. "You have no idea what history Dan and I had, alright?"

Felix put his hands up in defence, sighing. "Like what history? He gave you a handy under the bleachers freshman year—"

As swift as lightning, Jason grabbed a tight hold of Felix's throat hoisting him up by his neck, fingernails digging deep into his skin. Felix suddenly gasped for air, instantly frightened on what Jason could do. "Do not—" he paused allowing Felix to struggle a little. "disrespect my Dan."

Felix then with a thud was dropped back down. His hand went to grab where Jason's grip just was and massaged it. "Jesus...fine."

𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓+𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐒 ✭ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant