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Phil easily wrapped his letterman jacket around Dan's shoulders, tugging the boy closer to his body by the collars of the fabric.

They both snickered a bit as Dan gazed up into Phil's blue suns of dimmed light, bitting down on his bottom lip. He switched his eyes away, blinking down at his feet as he shifted his weight. "So what? You take me on a single date and now I'm your official coat rack?"

Phil chuckled with an opened mouth, toying around with the darkened yellow collars of his jacket. He caught Dan's look flashing his pearly fang in a smirk. "Tell me this jacket doesn't suit you, princess?"

Dan beamed down at the eternal cloth that hung passed his high waisted shorts, watching how in the bit of wind the heavy coat flowed with Earth's pull. The red and dark yellows, the word Lester in bold on the back and a huge L on the front all wrapped up together and tied with the bow of a hawk made the present of Phil's football jacket. A week or two ago you couldn't pay Dan enough to wear a Rydell Red Hawk's jacket. Dan smiled standing up straighter to look at Phil in front of him. "Why are your school colours so, pukey?" he mumbled tugging on his ticket to a beat down.

Phil rolled his eyes leaning down to invade Dan's personal space. "They are not pukey—" he responds shaking his head as he tried to conjure up words. "They' re—tough."

Dan nodded his head, smiling brightly. "Right, tough," he finally chuckles gazing up into Phil's eyes.

Abruptly, the sound of booming rap music sent the walls of the house to shake as if a tornado hit the interior.

Both of their heads shot towards the sound of the party as screams of music seeped through the cracks of wood from the house.

"Should we go back inside?" Dan murmured smiling.

Phil shook his head dropping his arms down to Dan's hands gently pulling him closer once more. "Nah, they can wait."

Phil pressed his back against the wall of the house watching closely as his fingers danced around Dan's own ones. The warmth erupting from the tips of Phil's nails sent butterflies down Dan's spine. Kiss me, Jesus Christ, kiss me. Dan thought to himself. "Vincent was talking about you," Dan says looking back up.

Phil's fear traveled his veins but never made it to his facial muscles or skin. His complexion remained pale and matt, his eyes as steady as if he were shopping for shoes. He gulped thickly, though it went unnoticed. Finally, he furrowed his eyebrows together looking down upon Dan ashamed of himself. "Look, Dan—"

Dan cut him off, waving one of his hands in front of his face, chuckling quietly. "No, I know none of it was true I just wanted to ask you something..."

Phil sighed in relief, feeling his flat-line of a heartbeat again against his rib-cage. "Blow me away, sweetheart."

Dan brought both of his hands up as he looked down at them, beginning to pick at nothing underneath his nails. "He came up to me in the hallway and was telling me all this—stuff about how you're—" Dan paused himself shaking out his thoughts. "Have you?" he coughed unable to word his question. "You've dated, Vincent...right."

Phil felt his shoulders slack and his body goes like mud against the wall. He nodded pressing a hand to his face shielding his expression from Dan. "It was the worst four weeks of my existence, baby. I'm telling you!"

Dan pursed his lips to one side looking down at his feet. "But you slept with him still?" He pushed. His heart felt like it was dragged through the mud, what if Phil was doing the same to him?

Phil took his hand off his eyes and quickly darted his look to Dan scanning the uncertainty making up his expression. "He was afraid I was gonna break up with him..."

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