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a.n - lol thx for yelling at me ❤️❤️❤️

Phil's corvette sat still in a Sonic's drive-in lot. The darkness of the night did it's best to cave in around the restaurant, though the florescent lights fought back like two kingdoms feuding over the throne of life. As of now, the dark sky realm was seemingly winning as the lights of the restaurant flickered; burning out. Phil watched the light kingdom painfully lose against the dark on Dan's soft freckly features.

A grin creeped onto Dan's lips, the lightbulbs behind his curly hair slowly pulsed in pain, dying due to the dark. "What're you looking at?" He asks in a giggly tone, leisurely tucking a lock of hair behind his ear.

Every ounce of the light illuminated Dan so lovingly. Phil couldn't help but stare, a prim smile on his face as he took in a deep breath. Then, he snapped in his head coming to his senses as quick as possible. He shifts his eyes away looking at his steering wheel. He almost laughed at himself as he came to realization of what he was doing. What was he doing?

Dan leaned forward, stifling a few laughs. "You alright there?"

Phil smiled darting his gaze from Dan to his lap a few times. "Huh—" He leaned back shooting a half smirk at Dan as he placed a hand on the nape of his neck. "Oh," He shifted back forward the awkwardness filling him whole. "I was looking at the um—light."

Dan looked down, shaking his head. "Oh, I'm sure," He giggled, till suddenly he was cut off by knock to the glass behind his own head. Dan as swiftly as possible rolled down his window still a goofy smile plastered on his face. "Hi—" he said with bright teeth.

A young boy stared down at their receipt, reading off of it without looking up. "Hello, you had two cheeseburgers with—" He then glanced upwards, noticing who was in the car. "Wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute—Phil Lester and-and one of them? In the same car? What're you doing driving around with him!" he cackles.

Dan sighed loudly, looking down at his lap. "What's it to you, asshole..." he grunts quietly underneath his breath, eyes darting up quickly.

The guy shifted his sharp chin upwards a loud mocking laugh escaping him. "Duuude! I can't believe this," He shoved a bag of food into Dan's hands through the window fumbling for his phone. "I've got to take a picture."

Dan audibly growled, placing his hand on the door handle.

Phil splayed his fingers over his eyes, letting out a breath. "Greg, God please cut the crap—"

One of Gregory's hands held his phone as he waved them both dismissively, chuckling while doing so. "Seriously, it'll be quick!—"

Dan's pot finally boiled over. "You wanna take a picture?" The pop of the Dan's door handle then rang in Phil's ears. "You really want to take a picture?" He quickly stepped out of the race car, annoyed beyond control.

Phil blinked his eyes, suddenly startled by Dan's actions—he jumps out of the car.

"Take the damn picture, Greeeg," Dan took a step towards Gregory. "All throughout tonight the only guy that has even showed a bit of respect towards me was Phil fucking Lester when throughout my entire high school career I was told otherwise! Why is every guy I meet so short-minded!?" Dan then stopped in front of the Sonic worker after making him back up. "Don't you dare take a picture, pervert."

Phil then stepped out of the car walking towards the other end of it, awaiting for some outbreak to occur.

With that, Dan turned around and stepped back towards the car.

Greg rakes a veiny hand through his stiff hair, the left side of his lip pursing upwards. "Jeez, all I was gonna do was take a damn picture, why are people like you so high strung?"

Dan let those words slip passed him, though Greg continued.

"Do you want to know how people like you are created? You're dad comes home every night from his high end job, only to kiss your white ass mother who's stirring dinner in the kitchen! Then daddy stomps his penny polished shoes over to you only to ask you what colour pony you want for keeping your mouth shut about the affair!"

Phil sighed, putting out his hand. "Come on man, this is ridiculous."

Everything in Dan ticked at the sound of Greg's voice ever so easily mentioning his father. With all the rage within the world composed into Dan's being he walked back towards Greg, looking up into his eyes. "Don't you ever talk about my dad—"

Greg then shoved Dan backwards towards the street. Nothing was slow, every movement was as quick as possible.

Dan as swiftly as possible stepped forward throwing a punch towards Greg's face, immediately regretting that action as his hand began to throb in immense pain. Dan then bit down hard on his bottom lip, eyes tearing up over the way his hand hit his cheekbone.

Greg's jaw popped at the impact but wasn't very impacted. He began to ready himself for a fight, though as fast as lightning Phil threw his arms around Dan's figure pulling him away from Greg putting the cheerleader back in the car.

"Jesus Christ dude what the fuck is wrong with you?" Phil yelled, in the process of shutting Dan's door.

Dan held onto his left hand wincing at it. Why do you let the anger get the better of you, Dan? He exhales a shaky breath looking up at the roof of the car. Do you really think you'll ever win? You're weak—

"You alright, doll?" Phil asks, speedily jumping into the car. He leans over the center console, spreading out his palm for Dan to lay his fist in it.

Dan stayed quiet, big doe eyes brimming with semi-pain. He kept his hand close to his chest, looking at Phil in slight concern. "What kind of name is Greg anyway..." was all he said in a small short tone.

Phil half smirked, eyes giggling as he scanned over Dan's expression. He shrugged, moving forward gently grabbing Dan's hurt hand. "Don't get to bothered by him, bub," he then surveyed Dan's knuckles, following the pattern of red splotches decorating them. "People at school call him Onision."

Dan looked up at Phil. "What does that mean?"

Phil as gently as possible brushed his thumb over Dan's knuckles, somewhat enjoying the moment. "It means one divine community."

Dan watched how Phil's expression changed from soft to annoyed in a split second.

Phil took in a breath through his teeth. "So, no matter what you did tonight, you would have been wrong."

Dan blew out his cheeks. "Yeah, well if I wasn't so damn weak I would have been happily wrong."

Phil finally pulled away shaking his head. "You had the guts to punch some dude that by the looks of it could sit on you and snap you in two. If you're weak then I'm straight."

Dan smiled, eyes slacking as he looked over at Phil in disapproval. "Yeah well, my fist took the fall for his annoying face," Dan tried to spread out his fingers but, it only shot sparks of pain up his wrist.

Phil pumped the breaks, eyes twinkling in wonder. "I have the perfect solution."

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