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"Dan! Honey, you're gonna be late! You've only got five minutes!"

In haste, Dan rubbed his weekend-sore eyes and jumped out of bed. The time beeping in his face when he checked his phone made him scramble.

Draped over the side of his bed was Phil's hoodie without thinking, he yanked off his T-shirt and pulled the hoodie over his head, paired it with a pair of skinny jeans then raced to finish his routine.

Like a balloon soaring high above cloud-nine, Dan has a tiny bounce in his step as he subtlety brought the neck of Phil's hoodie up to his nose taking in the clean scent. As if he took in oxycontin in many different forms his balloon head danced up above the swish of passing students in the hallway.

The name printed across his back attracted more attention towards him than normal. He definitely thought about wearing it to school that chilly morning, thought about the consequences that he would face. His white Vans pressed into the tiled floor while he allowed his thumbs to lace back underneath his backpack straps. The moment Dan's cologne high drifted away slowly from his addicted brain he instantly noticed what he feared.

The bold, maroon hoodie that he acquired was a striking, conspicuous appearance. The colour he wore was equivalent to walking into a Christian 1750's village with a wood sign nailed to your head claiming to be a witch.

The balls Dan had. The death he was soon to deal with.

Lester; 01 written along his back showed a sign of claiming and how PJ Liguori lost against the very quarterback. Dan usually stuck out against the crowd with his high fashion but today the whole aesthetic was flagrant.

"He's gonna be dead meat once Peej sees him today." A more feminine voice said loudly passing Dan quickly.

Dan snapped his neck to the sound, trying to pick out who would say that so boldly, but the crowed hallways drowned the girl. Slowly, Dan continued on his path to his first period but as the time he walked in the hallway got thicker more disgusting sounds from mouths began to whisper in his ear.

"What a total whore?"

"I can't believe he's actually wearing Rydell apparel! Never took Dan for one to suck dick."


"So, he and Phil did screw! Cold..."

"What an idiot! Everyone knows, especially cheerleaders, about Red Hawks—"

"Playoffs are this weekend?!"

Dan twisted again to the mouths that suddenly hated him. He didn't think people would be mean about it? He thought they would find it funny, not...slutty?

Finally, one erratic nerd who thought it would be controversial to speak said one word that sent Dan over the edge.


Instantly, Dan rammed his shoulder into him, cutting the guy off guard. A hot pool of emotions racked through his petite body as he turned around and began to pace through the hallway to one particular classroom.

His feet now clashed against the floor in an attempt to find redemption.

At long last, his hands pressed against Mister Auburn's door. A palm began to historically shake the handle trying to bring his teacher's attention quicker. "Mister Auburn..." he trailed off, trembling in place as sudden stares began to gaze his way.

A boy and a girl pressed themselves up against their lockers. The boy held three books and the girl wore her hair up in a bun. Their eyes didn't dare to miss the show in front of them. "Oh my God. He seriously did it?" she spoke. "Guess he's sleeping with Phil now."

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