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"Peas?" Dan mutters in an attitude almost letting out a laugh.

"What do you mean, peeeas," he mocks, moving his head around emphasizing his point. Phil's hand clamped around the black sealed handle of gas station's fridge. He brought his body up from the floor with an artificial green coloured bag of frozen peas in his right hand.

Dan placed a few fingers over his mouth giggling. "What are peas gonna do?"

Phil stepped passed Dan, grabbing a roll of tape behind his head. "You're a cheerleader, have you never fallen?"

Dan crossed his arms carefully avoiding his damaged hand. "I have of course but never used peas to treat it?"

"Well then, you're missing out on one of the best ice packs."

Dan nodded, smiling. "I'll believe you—"

Phil spread out his arms walking backwards down the aisle. "You want anything else, sunshine?" He flung out his arm, hurling the sagging green bag with it hitting it against a shelf filed with potato crisps and candy bars knocking a few condiments onto the floor.

Dan shook his head following his chauffeur; giggling. "I'm good, thanks," He leaned down to pick up the two king sized crunch bars that fell bringing them back up.

Phil fumbled towards a slushee machine and hit the steel a few times with his hand before continuing. "How 'bout a good'ole ice flavored syrup?" he shifted his weight watching Dan shake his head. "You get red I'll get blue and later we can make purple, what do you say, Howell?"

Dan stepped behind Phil's frame, smiling big as he clasped a hand down on his shoulder. "You wish, Lester," he said slightly above a whisper. He then turned around with stepping away from the machine containing his laughs.

Phil's hands grabbed hold of two of the biggest clear plastic cups from the side of the machine. Raising them up in the air so Dan could see, Phil spoke in a pronounced voice: "A boy can dream!"

The cheerleader finally laughed, head shaking from side to side as he leisurely walked further down some aisle to kill time. The shelves were overflowing with tiny worthless knickknacks, off-brand Hostess Cakes filled with plastic and artificial colours and finally beanie babies.

Dan smiled, chuckling quietly in his mind stepping closer towards the stuffed animal. Aren't these worth millions? He thought to himself as he reached out picking one up. He held onto a slouching tie-dyed bear in his right palm, using his thumb to press into the beads of the stuffy's belly.

"Alright," Phil puffs behind Dan's back. His eyes are glued to organizing the few items in his arms. Eventually, he looks up to meet Dan's gaze holding out two choices of slushees. "Cherry Coke.." he trails off outstretching one arm to show off the sugary drink. "or Piña Colada?" he says as he switches drinks making faces at him encourage Dan's decision.

Dan giggles, shrugging. "Piña Colada."

"Yes..." he muttered almost triumphantly under his breath. "I'm so smart, I knew you would choose that—ooh we're gonna need that bear now."

Dan swiftly glanced down at the bear and back up again, his lips pursing a confused smirk. Before he could speak, Phil filled his mouth with his own words.

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