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Here are some xxxtra scenes I wrote out that I didn't want or need to include :) it's not much! but enjoy beauts!

1️⃣: Homecoming Dance
Eyebrows furrowed together, Jason was foaming at the mouth; his right arm slowly extending away from his body. PJ narrowed in on Jason till his eyes widened in shock instantly putting his body into action. Life went into slow-motion, his feet forced himself to run and his mouth opened to scream. "Phil!! Move!!"

Dan turned to PJ's scream, his hands resting on Phil's shoulders till suddenly he was thrown to the dirty floor.

With a breath and a blink of an eye, Jason didn't even feel his finger twitch on the trigger. The three gunshots were muffled, as though the sound traveled through sea water to his ears.

With the screams, PJ was shoved into a memory.

Their voices rose above the sacred silence. A glance, touch, or one small comment stirred a hurricane of harsh and horsed insults. The enraging screams managed to travel all the way up stairs and make its way into PJ's bedroom.

Gulping, Dan looked at his friend with wide optics.

The embarrassment of PJ's parents fighting in front of his friend was the epitome of broken in his eyes. Broke isn't perfect and the Liguori's didn't like imperfection.

The growing howls of the parents that became relentless made Dan's chocolate orbs begin to well up in tears.

As a child, Dan didn't understand how to process the bickering of two people so as an instinct; he cried.

All while, young PJ didn't know how to cope with Dan sobbing. Instantly, PJ ran to shut his room's door. "I'm sorry, Danny! I'm sorry! I don't know why they stay together or do what they do, please don't cry."

Dan looked up wiping his face quickly and lunged into little PJ; tackling his body to the floor. With that little Dan knocked PJ back into reality.

PJ stared for a single moment then his body took immediate action. His secondhand dress shoes clacked against the pavement, his hands swam by his upper body as he followed the trace of Jason's. The sound of Dan's wail shot through his own heart more than a bullet could ever.

He wasn't going to let the fault for Dan's cry get away on a clean slate even though he was once guilty of such crime before.

A sudden realization hit. Never again.

All color drained from Dan's face, as white as a slice of bread. He clenched every muscle in his body and his heart in his throat pounding vigorously. He opened his eyes again sitting up swiftly from his spot. He couldn't manage to take in a full breath into his lungs and he lost all oxygen when his eyes found Phil's body, laying flat on his back and a pool of blood leaking out of him.

The yells from bystanders were disorienting. The ground shook as everyone tried to flee the gym.

Phil's vision danced as the disorientation set into him. His breathing sputtered as he stared at the ceiling above him. He felt unconscious rather than awake but his eyes were taking in light. Coopery blood filled his mouth, he could feel it grazing his teeth and soaking his tongue. Then, a godly but restless face hovered over in his view—and he smiled.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Dan instantly reached his hand down hovering it over his bleeding wound. "Hey—Phil, holy fuck, someone call the fucking police!!" Dan screeched, tears racking in the back of his throat, coming down his face.

"Oh, woah you're so beautiful, Dan." Then suddenly a cough racked through his lungs pushing more blood up.

Dan shushed him, lifting one of his bloodied hands up to his face holding his face securely. Then Phil's eyes closed deliberately.

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