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a.n - wattpad is the one thing that is stable in my life love you guys💞 happy belated valentines

"And the way he looked that night was godly, Felix." Phil bucked up, trying hard to impress his friend.

There they were once more. At another party, during another weekend, solo cups in hands and dirty mouths talking about Dan. Like a routine, footballer's life, a popular player's reputation.

Felix stuck his hands into his grey joggers, his white T-Shirt showing a slip of his torso as he sucked in his bottom lip, trying hard not to smile. "Then what? Did you guys go home?"

Phil looked up from his empty drink, witnessing how the drops mocked him in his sudden innocent relationship. He hesitated for a second, mouth contorting into a strange angle. "Uh, we're taking it slow," he says, blue orbs of dimmed light flicking in embarrassment.

Felix chuckled taking in a breath. "You're pulling my leg," he let out through his grinning teeth, putting his hands on his hips. His face dropped as Phil didn't laugh along with him. "Right?"

Phil shifted in his place, shrugging as he took in his surroundings. "Look—" Phil tried to assure.

"Are you kidding me Phil?" Felix shot harshly. "You're telling me.." he breathed loudly pausing in attempt to understand his buddy. He leaned into Phil's personal space in order to bypass the booming music suffocating them. "You're telling me the infamous dick, player Phil Lester has even touched his goal, yet?"

Phil used his hands to shove Felix away gently, not bothering to take any shit from him. "It really doesn't matter—"

"Doesn't matter? Phil, it doesn't mat—!" Felix began to fall into the thought of Phil not completing his deal.

Phil cut him off with swift words trying to keep Felix's voice low. "No? Why would it? I don't want to hurt him, is that so bad?"

Felix opened his mouth to laugh as if Phil quipped his last sentence. But, the moment he looked Phil up and down the words clicked in his brain. "Since when do you?" his mouth went slightly agape. "You're kidding me, right? Who you date doesn't just put your reputation on edge; it puts all of ours on edge too! The rest of the Hawks' know that I created this whole Dan and Phil universe you suddenly have in your head and that's not gonna just fall on you, Phil!" He pressed his hands into his chest hard, eyes bulging. "It's gonna fall on my ass! I can't play cupid, Phil! You two can't happen—"

Phil felt as if he was drowning in deadlights as the party above his head flickered relentlessly. God just leave, leave, Phil thought. An escape was now tainting his mind. Like an angelic vision, the house's backyard door seemed to glow.

Felix hastily began to spit words in hopes to revive Phil's thoughts but nothing seemed to capture his attention as Phil turned around.

"You've got a week, Phil!" Felix hollered, twisting his head to watch his buddy storm away. "Then it's game over!"

He shoved through sweaty bodies swiftly opening the slider door just enough to slip his body through. As swiftly as possible he slammed the door cutting off the eternal buzzing going on his brain.

Then, in all of God's loving glory was something extraterrestrial.

Dan pressed himself against the wall of the house. He looked at his scenery in front of him, studying how the trees guarding their 6-foot high fence would sway slightly. The black sky shifted the stars making Dan become bored out of his mind. Without much thought, he mindlessly presses his solo cup to his bottom lip, though his hands didn't bother to tip it back into his mouth.

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