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"Ok... ok..." I breathed out and dropped down on the couch. I took deep breaths trying to catch my breath. "I'm done playing. I feel like I'm going to pass out." I said. "Oh don't be such a wimp. You got all that muscle and can't even do a little dancing." Normani teased. "What you mean? We been playing for four hours straight." I said. "And I've been playing for longer and I'm still winning." She said with a smirk.

"Your lucky don't have the energy to get up. Or you'd be in the pool right now." I said making her laugh. "Alright enough teasing Y/n." Ally said. "I have to go girls. I'll be back later." Camila said and stood up. "Where you going?" Lauren asked her. "Just out. I'll be back in a few hours." She said and left without another word. "She's so secretive." Lauren mumbled.

"Really? How so?" I asked. I mean it was obvious she was hiding something. I just wanted to know more. "Camila always leave either in the morning or night. We don't know where tho." Ally told me. "Hmm... maybe she just needs some time to herself." I said. "Maybe She does. It's just a little weird. But we're used to it." Lauren said. "Do you know what she's doing? I know you two are close." I asked Dinah.

"No I don't. I know as much as the others do." Dinah said. She's lying. I've learned that when she lies she either looks to the right or scratches her arm. Dinah did both meaning she knows something we don't. "Ok. But I should get going. I got to get up early." I said and hugged her. "Bye Y/n!" The other three said. I high five them and I leave.

Whatever's going on with those two I'm going to find out. I'm thinking following Camila when she leaves is a good idea. Also I want to do some research on both her and Dinah. Just to get a background check. Maybe I can figure out what's going on. But until then I'll dig up as much information I can on them.

A/n~goodnight y'all✌🏾😴


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