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Virginia is where we are. Sitting outside a coffee shop. "What does the guy look like?" Dinah asked me. I pulled my phone out and slid it across the table. "He dyed his hair blonde. He also has in blue contacts. I guess he thought he could throw me off." I said. "Looks like a fuckboy." Camila said. "He is. All he does is spend his money of hookers and drugs." I caught sight of the guy getting out his car. Then he walked into the coffee shop. "He just walked in. Dinah..." I said. She smirked and stood up from her chair.

"I'll only be a second." She said before walking in. She swayed her hips some. I noticed paparazzi across the street. "Damnit. Mila go get Dinah." I said. She didn't question it. Camila walked in and soon came back with a confused Dinah. "I thought I was to try and get him to take me back to his place?" Dinah asked in a whisper. "Yes but you both have friends following. Don't need pictures of you and him getting out."

"Or else they'll blow this whole thing." She said. "Exactly. But I have a plan. Let's go." I said. As we walked past his car I pretended to trip and drop my keys by his tire. As I got back up I placed a tiny tracking device on the tire. Then we went to our car and left. "What did you do?" Camila asked. "Lesson I've learned is to always have a tracking device on you. In case you got to change plans."


It was dark now and we snuck out way into his house. He's name in Tucker. He was sleep so it was easy to grab him and tie him up on the bed. Tucker was also blindfolded. He's body thrashed around as he tried to get free. "Careful now. Your on the edge." I said. But it was to late. He fell over the edge and slammed onto the floor. Dinah and Camila laughed as I uncovered his eyes. "Remember me?" I asked.

"What the fuck. How'd you get into my house?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be asking how'd I found you?" I chuckled and stood up. "Why are they with you? Aren't they famous!" He asked. "You ask to many questions. But these are my girls." I answered. "You have a nice house. You also have a lot of land." Camila said. "Let's have some fun. Shall we?" Dinah said with a smirk.

A/n~ now the Jonas Brothers are back. Can I get Hannah Montana back as well?


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