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I giggled as I ran up the stairs leading to the roof. Shawn desperately chased after me. Boys are so stupid. He has no idea what's coming he's way.

Y/n's POV

The door flung open scaring Dinah. Who had fallen asleep on the ground. "Show time baby." I helped her up as Camila ran on the roof. I held the door as Shawn stumbled through. "Damn you move fast." He said trying to catch his breath. I slammed the door making him jump and spin around. Fear instantly was written across his face. "What the fuck." He said.

"Aww... his wittle dick is hard. How cute." I said and pouted. "That's a dick?" Dinah asked as she finished breaking the door handle. "I know right. It's tragic." Camila said as she got dressed. Shawn tried to run to the door but I grabbed him and slammed him to on the ground. "Shawny. Where do you think you're going?" I smirked and forced him up. Camila started the helicopter. "It's best if you don't run." I said and patted his cheek. Yet again he tried to run. So I punched him and grabbed him by his shirt. Dragging him to the helicopter. Hitting his head on way in as he cried.

"Take it away ladies." I said and handed Shawn to them. I got in the pilots seat and got the plane into the air. Just in time before security broke the door down. "Why are you doing this?" Shawn asked. "This is payback for all the times you hurt me." Camila said glaring at him. "Let's give his fans out front a show they'll never forget." Dinah said. "Let's do it." I said and flew around the building. Camila and Dinah grabbed Shawn. Then both stood on the railing outside making him scream. "Oh shut up. We're only like a hundred feet in the air. I don't know don't ask me." Camila said.

"Shawn I love!" A fan yelled as they realized he was just above. Screams got louder as they all got excited. "Whoops don't fall." Dinah jokes and pretended to push him off. "Now first thing to do is..." Camila trailed off as she pulled out a knife. She stabbed him in his chest. I grabbed the microphone and held it up so they could hear him scream. "Look Shawn! Their all here to see you." I said and laughed. "Maybe you should go join them." Camila said and let him slip forward some.

"But first... Dinah would you like to do the honors." Camila handed Dinah the knife. I turned to see what was going to happen but Camila turned my head back. "You might not want to see this." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows as Shawn let out a loud painful scream. Then him gagging on something. Panicked and frightened screams were heard below. Police sirens were suddenly heard headed our way. "Girls we got to move." I said. "See ya Shawn. Don't squash anyone or crack the floor on the way down." Camila and Dinah let go of him letting him fall. Screams grew louder as he was heard smacking against the ground. "Mission accomplished."


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