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I punched the guy knocking him back some. He tackled me to the ground and threw punches. Usually I would've killed him by now but I need something from him. You see he's a scientist who's creating this secret powerful substance. So powerful it'll make the girls and I unstoppable. So it wouldn't be smart to kill him without knowing we're the serum is first. I let him get up and run off.

After a few minutes I sat up and wiped my mouth. I sighed when I saw blood on my fingers. "The girls won't be to happy about that." I said and wiped my fingers on my shirt.


"What happened to your lip!?" Dinah yelled. "And your cheek!?" Camila said. "Relax. It's nothing I can't handle. Just a few scrapes." I told them. "I'll clean it up for you. Go sit on the couch." Camila said and walked off. I followed Dinah to the couch and sat down. "So did y'all upload the video of you killing your ex?" I asked Dinah. "I actually did it a few minutes ago. We were just waiting on you to show up before we read the comments. Also Camila hacker Twitter and Instagram so that they couldn't delete the video. She posted on hers too." She told me. "Great. When Camila  comes we'll look at them."

When Camila finally came with the first aid kit we looked at the comments on Twitter. "Alright first comment." Dinah said. "@/Dinahsuffocateme asks is this really real. Should I reply back?" Dinah asked. "Yeah go ahead." I said. She typed away on the keyboard before reading another one. "Another one says... is it bad that I'm weirdly turned on?" She read. "It is but then again we've been turned on by far worse." Camila said and dabbed alcohol on my lip.

"I can't believe this is who we looked up too. I hope Normani, Lauren, and Ally don't turn out the same." Dinah read. "Oh please. They couldn't handle be link us." Camila said. "Especially Ally. She'd be in a church every time she killed someone." I said. "Oh look us three are trending." Dinah said and turned her laptop for us to see.

"That's cute. They're worried I turned you too crazy." I said. "As if. They're just holding on to their pathetic little hope they have left about us." Camila said. "Might as well let go of it cause it'll just get a lot crazier."

A/n~ a few days ago my mom was coming to pick my siblings and I up from class. She said she saw a homeless person on the side of the road with a sign. She was thinking of getting him food. So she read the sign and it said "out of work porn star. In need of money."


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