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Dinah's Flashback

I walked home from school through the  rain. I tried preparing myself for what was to come. But I still couldn't shake how scared I was away. I knew my parents would be upset that I arrived late. They wouldn't care that it was raining out. I walked up the porch of the house and took of my jacket. Leaving it on the wooden rail to dry. As I walked in the house I was met with a hand to my face. Knocking me down.

I bite my tongue to keep from crying. "Where the hell were you!?" My dad yelled. I looked up at his huge figure with tears in my eyes. "Umm it started raining and there was a lot of cars out." I stuttered out. "I don't give a fuck up! You get here at the time I gave you!" I flinched at the sound of his voice. "Now get in the kitchen and cook. Your siblings well be home soon." He said before walking off. A tear rolled down my face as I made my way to the kitchen. I got all the things I needed and began to fix pasta. Since that's what they wanted.

Once I was finished making everything my mom and siblings got home. I made everyone there plates and waited. "No food today Dinah. Next time show up on time." I nodded and quickly left. Going to my room that wasn't big at all.


It's the next day and I was sitting in my room. I wasn't aloud out of my room today. Only to make everyone breakfast. My siblings are all gone today. They are with different family members having a fun day. While I have to stay here in my room. "Dinah make sure you shower tonight. George is coming tomorrow." He told me. I sighed but nodded. "Yes sir." I said quietly. Basically what's happening is he's letting he's friends sleep with me for money. My mom just ignores it.

Once he left I punched my pillow. I try so hard but I'm never enough for them. I don't even try anymore to get there attention. They just make me so mad. Sometimes I want to fight back. But I know it wouldn't work. "Dinah I need you to start cooking. Your dad and I want to have a romantic dinner." My mom said outside the door. "Yes ma'am." I walked out the door and followed her down stairs. "I already have a pot of water on the stove warming up. Go to the store and get these ingredients. By the time you get back the water should be boiling. We'll be taking a nap too."

"I'll go right now." I said. She nodded and headed upstairs. "Don't be late. Everything needs to be done by six thirty." She says as she disappears upstairs. Before I left I decided to start one of the food. I grabbed the oil and garlic. I grabbed a glass bowl and sat it on the stove beside the pot of water that was warming up. They wanted this garlic and oil type pasta. I mean I wouldn't if I was them cause I'm pretty sure they going to kiss. They breath gone be hot as fuck.

I finished making the sauce for it and put it in the fridge. I realized I spilt oil on the stove. It was slowly making it way to the fire. Should I leave it or clean it up. It might catch on fire. But I could say it was an accident. I know I shouldn't but I really want to. I didn't matter now cause I was out the door. But not before placing the bowl back on the stove.


When I got back from the store my street was blocked off. The smell of smoke was in the air. Cops and firefighters in front of my house. Keeping everyone from getting closer. I put my acting skills to the test and ran up with Starr's streaming down my face. "Hey you cant get any closer." One of the cops stopped me. "My parents are in there!" I said. He's face dropped and looked to the other cop for help. She came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you come with me?" She placed me in the car and took me to the police station. Then called a family member to get me. Many would be devastated. But deep down I was happy.


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