301 - 310

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#AnonymousConfessions 301:

When I'm bored I stalk threads with longwinded posts made by Schuyler because his Bitter Old Man opinions are entertaining and (subjectively) satirical  

#AnonymousConfessions 302:

There's this user that say a bunch of shit about people, especially the young generation. I loathe him but his response and others response to him is entertaining.  

#AnonymousConfessions 303:

Hi! My confession last time was #269 I have a Daddy kink, hence he's my Daddy! Not Sugar Daddy or real dad eww! Just the thought ahhh! Mental picture! evil! So put your worries aside. InnateEcstasy  We're within age range and perfectly legal thank you! @ LaughingMan109
it's kind of like role play, but we have a Dom and Sub relationship, and I like to call him Daddy. 

#AnonymousConfessions 304:

Hi Tiara. I think you're really pretty and nice and beautiful and I hope you can continue being just you. There will be times when it all goes shitty, but just know that you've also got friends there for you and have faith in them, okay? No more hate just love, okay? -Tiara   

#AnonymousConfessions 305:

Can someone please tell Adelia she's a bad witch and that Harry Styles will marry Elaine and not her.  

#AnonymousConfessions 306:

  I think Wattpad should have a separate section for erotica. There are a lot of badly written books getting attention just because they contain sex and the good books from other genres tend to get buried. Also, some of them are wrongly tagged, when I want to read 'fantasy', I don't mean someone's sexual fantasy. 

#AnonymousConfessions 307:

I have to find my tarot cards first...they decided to go missing.

#AnonymousConfessions 308:

Once I added a whole shampoo bottle in the Jacuzzi causing the entire pool to fill with bubbles on my 8th birthday, and my mom gave me a timeout for 15 minutes lol my answer was lol "I thought everyone could use a bath." She laughed afterwords.  

#AnonymousConfessions 309:

My laptop crashed ×_× I don't like to use wattpad in my phone! :/

I missed so much in 1 day 😱😱

I also have soo much school work and I have a huge exam to prepare for.... I'm gonna miss this confession thing.. I'll miss u too @LaughingMan109 :V :V :V

One last confession (for the time being)

I suck at maths but once I got 79.5 out of 80 because I wanted to prove myself to the people who said i couldn't do it! I realised my best works came from spite! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >. > ;p :V


#AnonymousConfessions 310:

I used to cut my barbies hair and bath them all in the tub with super hot water together with all the doll's garments. Once they ended up dyed from it and turned different colors. That was fun. I preferred playing laser tag and 007 golden gun nintendo 64 with boys in my neighborhood and wrestle with them. Yeah I was very tomboy lol My dad thought I was a lesbian because of it lol I was only 10 pulease! Besides, I'm pansexual so I guess he wasn't too far off.  

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